Stoic Goals for 2022

Yesterday I was able to attend the final Stoic meeting for 2021. It was great to reflect on the year, meet some new faces, and to share reflections and observations that we found helpful in our various day to day lives. One point I made (and will continue to make about Hellenistic philosophies) is that it’s great to have practical ways of living.

We ended the morning with sharing our initial goals for 2022. Mine are:

  1. As I love to read, my focus next year is to take better notes and to synthesis the learnings through articles. To link together threads. In a way, build my own manual or way of living. To become a better writer.
  2. To participate more in the discussions to build my articulation skills. To build out themes and deepen my own understanding. To learn more from others and challenge ideas.
  3. To take philosophy to the workplace and look at ways to implement in decisions and ways of working.

Bring on 2022