Changing Chapters

Yesterday we received the wonderful news that we are now unconditional on the purchase of a townhouse. Celebrations all around. It was a mixture of emotions too – relief, excitement, happiness, and amazement. It opened up the day dreaming possibilities too. It was also scary. It’s a big debt (and necessary), and you also begin to second guess if you have thought contingencies through – is the emergency fund big enough? is it in as good condition as we think? These, luckily, were fleeting thoughts, and the positive emotions and feelings were back.

Whilst we are both very excited for this new chapter, it does mean that the current chapter ends. We have loved the apartment we live in for many reasons. So, even when things are great, we need to set aside time to acknowledge what it is that we are moving away from. This is the focus of today’s post. Lessons learnt from the purchase and associated reflections will be shared later.

Due to the move, some things will be different. I’m not sure how to describe or even place the emotion. Right now we walk across the road to the climbing gym, can go on morning walks across the river, and have wonderful neighbours who we see regularly. Ease of access changes. The places and people will still be here. It’s easy to get back to West End too. So in many ways, these are minor changes. Maybe it’s just the unease of the unknown. Of course there are workarounds. We’ll still do our Tuesday night climbing and games night. Sometimes it just needs a dose of perspective. The same amazing activities will still occur.

Rationally, all is good. It’s funny sometimes how the mind works. The thoughts that crop up, that because you have to drive an extra 10 minutes that suddenly all of these things won’t happen – like abandoning weekend walks along the river. The climbing and games is one of the easiest solutions you’ll come across. Finish work, drive to the climbing gym, finish climbing, shower at the gym, eat dinner at our favourite Japanese restaurant, go play games, drive home.

And yet this feeling is important. It’s recognition that things are changing. Luckily for us, it’s for the better. We have a home to raise a family in and we are closer to our families and many of our friends. This current phase has been important too, full of many good memories. So we should feel something that it’s coming to a close, and at the same time, be utterly excited for what is to come in the next chapter.

Here’s to the chapters, both the future, past, and important, the one we are currently in.