
2022 has been an amazing year so far, and we are only just getting started! Even though we are a quarter through, and a lot has happened, in many ways, the best has yet to come. How can one year be so incredible? Engagement, wedding planning, honeymoon planning, general catchups and family time, buying a townhouse. That’s the first three months. Then we have moving in, the wedding, the honeymoon, seeing family, building new lives and routines, and (potential) changes in work and career due to a work review.

I had a thought recently which I only spent a brief amount of time on about life and maturity. Then, when we were driving to Toowoomba to finalise our wedding bands, my fiancee made a comment which brought me back to it. “You’re a lot more relaxed when we are running late,” she commented. True. Very true. I don’t like running late. I’ve also gotten much better and accepting the things that are outside of our control, like the volume of roadworks.

Back to my original thought. I have matured these past few months. My biased mind tells me it started post engagement. Perhaps it was driven by unconscious thought that I need to mature more as we are entering a new phase of life. I’ll be entering the unknown with home ownership, starting (hopefully) a family, and being the best husband I can be.

These bring subtle shifts in outlook. More relaxed in some others, renewed focus in others, a recalibration of use of time in certain areas.

Maturity. Evolution. Something to reflect further one.