Moving Week

Today, universe willing, we will settle on our townhouse at midday. Then tomorrow the big move happens. It’s a very exciting time, and one that I am very much looking forward to. I wrote a few weeks ago that it was time to close our current chapter and how important it was to have gratitude for the wonderful life that we have been able to lead. Now, we are able to continue that. We can continue what worked well in West End, and now we have a chance to build and grow into our townhouse and make it ours. To set in place a home that we can one day welcome children in to, and entertain our family and friends in. There is a lot to look forward to and a lot that I am excited about and grateful for each day.

There is also a lot that needs to happen in the next couple of days. Luckily, we have been busy laying a lot of the groundwork for this, so it ultimately won’t be too bad. Most of our things are packed and in boxes. We now just need to unpack. The boxes are out of the apartment and stored in my parents house, so we have the wonderful opportunity of not having to be rushed and can unpack at our own leisure, rather than needing things out in a day so a tenant can move in.

An element on life I’ve been thinking about lately is the handyman skill. This is something I have no experience in or with.I could pay for someone to mow the lawn, to put up a fence, to undertake basic repairs, or I could embrace this opportunity and learn to do it myself. I’ll have to get my toes wet, absolutely. How far though remains to be seen. There is an argument that it could be money well spent to hire someone else if it allows you time to focus on what you want to do. To counter that point, there could also be real joy in doing these things yourself. So we shall see. It’s not an immediate decision to make. Just something that is on my mind.

Something a yard offers which I am very excited about is to use for Christmas decorations. The ability to really go all out at Christmas time and bring a lot of festive joy to the neighbourhood is something I think about a lot. It is going to be great.

So my mind has been future focused lately. The present moment is also great. So here’s the moving and great times.