Novelty everyday

We walked to the gym the other morning as the sun was rising. There were more clouds in the air, capturing the faint pink glow of the su, as if they were painted on the clouds. My hand holding Renee’s, we stopped for a moment to look, enjoying the different colours and display of the sunset, before continuing our walk to the gym. You don’t see that kind of colour arrangement each day, I thought to myself as we walked.

I love my mornings. They aren’t flashy or new. They aren’t full of shiny things. But the mornings are ours, and they have novelty. We notice the sunset on our walk. We mix up the beans and pods we use for our morning coffee. Heck, sometimes we are really rebellious and have tea. These little moments help to ground me in the moment, and fill me with gratitude that I get to live these moments, and that I have Renee to share them with. My cup overflows.

I believe that seeking novelty everyday is a key to living a good and meaningful life. Even small things help. We might change the route we drive to work and focus on the different sights. We might take a longer way so you can increase the time you can chat on the phone or listen to a podcast. We can change the coffee beans/flavours we use, drink a green tea instead, or change up the salad and vegetables we have. Take an extra moment to pause on the balcony and listen to what’s going on around you brings you to the present. Sometimes it’s great to sit on the ground with a candle lit near you as you type.

I’ve found unplanned and unstructured walks are a great idea, as they allow a conscious pause into your day. I find walking around the campus a good time to think through a work problem, and also to reset by paying attention to what’s happening around me. Likewise, getting lost in nature and discovering unexpected places is a nice surprise.

These experiences also position ourselves to perform better throughout the day. I lift better. I’m more present in conversations. I remember more about the days. I work smarter. I have more time for conversations and friends. We create memories and each day is one to look forward to. We need to avoid the trap of only being living for the weekend.

It also builds our resilience. Not all aspects of our life run smoothly or are stress free. By seeking out the novelty, we are able to be thankful for these elements, and it helps keep our cup full when we are dealing with and navigating through difficult problems. It is harder for sure during these periods, and it helps.

Live the good live by seeking novelty in the everyday. Each day is a day to be excited about.