
My outdoor setup – getting the environment right 🪴

On episode 20 of my podcast, I mentioned that part of the reason why I’ve been enjoying writing so much is due to the environment that we’ve been able to create in our new place. This line though did sit in the back of my mind, and is something I’ve been thinking about lately. I’ve tried writing on and off over the years. Now, I write. It’s a part of who I am. How did it get to this point? Why is it so enjoyable now?

Part of the answer lies in getting the environment right.

After I’ve finished at the gym, I sit on the patio, candle lit (Star Wars Short Story!), smile on my face, and do my creative work. I write. I read. I plan out my day. The smell of the candle reaches my nose, and seeing the Star Wars scene on display helps me to think. It helps to centre my thoughts, and creates a nice queue that now it is creative time. In some ways, the candle is the trigger for the mind. I channel the force for good.

As the sun continues to rise, the birds come alive and their various chirps fills my ears. It does cause me to pause, to look up when I’ve finished a sentence, and to take a moment to appreciate what we have. It helps to ground me and reminds me daily just how lucky we are.

In my ways we have created a quiet retreat which allows for writing, reflection, thinking, and discussion. I’m in a place that makes me want to do the thing I want to do. For me it turns out the space was the outdoors – it’s about focus, enjoyment, creating, relaxing, and connecting. No wonder I struggled in my previous attempts when I was inside and didn’t have the ability to look at plants or hear the birds sing.

It’s also a place that is so much more than being there for creative work. It’s a space for us to host family and friends.

Ultimately, it is where we can fill our cups, ensure that we are looking after ourselves, and is a place where we have and will continue to build many memories. That’s not the end though. We still have lots to do. Goals to accomplish. The right environment is only part of the answer. We still need to put in the work to write, read, publish, create, innovate, connect, build, be present. But gosh, getting the environment right really helps and puts your best put forward. I’m excited for the now and the future. Just need to get the lights fixed so we can spend nights out here too.