New job, new direction

Recently I accepted a secondment opportunity and will be moving HR departments. It’s a big change for me in my career. To date I’ve been in the generalist, advisory space. Now, I’m moving into systems. I’m very excited, and I do think it’s a natural fit. At the same time, I am quite nervous. I am venturing in to the unknown, after all.

Noticing where my mind wanders has been a focus for me recently. On the overland track, this was one of the lessons that came through. I really like using systems, and thinking about them too. It’s what I love to talk about in my down time, and read up about. So when the opportunity was advertised, it caused me to pause and consider what it is that I want from my career moving forward. Luckily, I had very supportive managers and a mentor who provided valuable insight and guidance for me to reflect on. Whilst scary and unknown, I decided it was what I wanted, and went for it.

It still does feel a bit scary, which is natural when venturing into the unknown. You never truely know until you are there. Plus, there is a safety element too. I’ve been an advisor for over a decade – I know exactly what the job is and more or less what a work day is going to be.

Still, it was a big relief when I got the successful call, and I am so excited to start and begin my new HR journey.

For now, my focus is to:

  • Close out current items
  • Prepare a handover manual
  • Get the new computer ready as much as possible – updates, apps
  • Take a day or two off to give space to a recharge ready for day one

It will be a journey for sure – full of learnings, mistakes, and accomplishments. It will be interesting to look back a few months in and do some reflection on how it’s been and how it’s going.