On improvement

Elminster this, Elminster that. Give *me* 2000 years and a pointy hat and I will kick his arse

Edward the Magician, Baldur’s Gate

When I started my podcast I was a beginner. The first few times I pressed record I stumbled over my words (this sill happens and is something I’m getting better at). I moved my head in excitement and took myself partially out of the frame. I lost my train of thought and there wasn’t the cleanest flow of thoughts. The first few episodes were a challenge, and after four minutes of looking into the camera, I was exhausted. Those early episodes in my view were terrible compared to where they could be in the future. Importantly thought, those first few episodes were the best I could do at that point in time.

I have since gotten better. What I am capable of has improved. I have more of an idea on what it is I want to talk about in my solo episodes. I have better framing on the camera. I have more structured thoughts. I have gained experience and levelled up. It is not the challenge it was. I know that I am currently capable of recording better episodes. That’s the key.

With my current skill set my podcasts should be better. In some ways I have slacked off. I’m not critiquing myself as much as I used to. I’m not learning as much from not being attentive to each episode. As such my skills are now improving at a much slower rate. Give *me* 2000 years at this rate and I’ll be the best podcaster around.

Hurt me with the truth. But never comfort me with a lie

Erza Scarlet, Fairy Tail

I am in a very fortunate position that a podcast is the hardest thing I am doing right now. My health and fitness are a part of daily life and I have built good habits built in these areas. My wife and I are living a wonderful life. I have great relationships. I’m enjoying the different books that I am reading. Work is good. Our finances are okay even with inflation. If the podcast is going to be my hard, then I need to make it hard. I have much more to learn, and there is much more I can contribute to this space.

Here’s the truth: I am not doing the best I can. My solo episodes can be better. I need to promote my work. I need to interview others.

Here’s another: I need to introduce more hard into my gym routines. I need to introduce more hard into other areas and shoulder more responsibility now that I can carry the current load. That’s for another time. Back to the podcast.

Only I can combine the different interests that I have and present content in my own unique way. Only I can take Practical Knowledge and make it something epic.

I’m recording in a state of comfort. We all need hard in our lives. Luckily, we get to choose them. I have to put podcasting onto my hard and have it be hard. As uncomfortable as it is at the moment, I need to prepare more, reshoot episodes when they don’t hit the mark, and go back to critiquing myself so I can continue to improve. What should I have said after my previous point? Does it flow? How many ‘um’s’s are there? Does it need to be redone because the message is lost? Are the tips practical? Who have I reached out to lately to get them onto the podcast? Who have I told about my podcast?

Let’s see where the future episodes take us. It’s time to increase the hard and meet the challenge.