Improving yourself

One step at a time is all you need


Improving yourself in an unknown future

I’ll never be able to fully understand the complexities of the world. All I have are my own experiences, knowledge and wisdom from others, and a framework from philosophies I try to live as a way of life. In other ways it’s also simple. I have a beautiful wife, a wonderful family, great friends, and hobbies that bring me joy. I’m part of a great community, am healthier each day, and am also learning. These are the key to the good life. This is where the meaning of life is so it needs my focus. Improving yourself, ourselves, is a good place to start.

Yet it means that decisions can also be difficult to make at times. Part of being in the present means sacrificing for the future. What will the future look like? Where should we invest our money? What should we do with our careers? I don’t know but I have a good idea and sense of what I should be doing. Real estate and mutual funds. Grow and challenge ourselves to follow our interests. Work hard but don’t make work your life. Be of service to others and keep boundaries. My wife and family are the most important things. These are some of my frameworks.

Start local

At a local level I need to continue to improve myself before I can be of service outside of my world. To continue to contribute to my body corporate, I need to have my own affairs in order. To continue to build upon my great marriage, I need to continue to be healthier each day. This also means using myself to the limits of my skills, which will be uncomfortable. It involves challenging myself and from there I will grow. I have to listen, play, and explore.

These are important in a marriage. Part of our roles is to challenge each other and from this grow together. To walk into the unknown. I also want friends that challenge me and push me to the limit of what I’m capable of. Luckily, I have this.

Practical steps towards improving yourself

What can I do? What does improving yourself even look like? Here’s a few things I’m focused on:

  • Have a cold shower
  • Lift and eat well to become healthier each day
  • Write to explore my thoughts, which also helps to share wisdom
  • Read to build my understanding and knowledge
  • Build systems to support habits which in turn builds your character
  • Take my wife on date nights
  • Continue to pursue hobbies and build time for them
  • Spend time with family
  • Engage in interesting conversations

Towards Tomorrow

Improving yourself and myself means being healthier each day. To challenge ourselves to take practical steps each day to live our philosophy. We need to build systems, which helps us form habits. This then builds our character. To be the best we can be. To have a loving family. We can then contribute to the community.

I’ve starting with the above, and have been doing these things for quite a while. I’ve mapped out my ideal day. There is still so much to learn. I’m learning a lot and challenging myself in good ways. There are great books to read, to reread, and discuss and learn from. I have wisdom to unpack, distill, and share. I am lifting well, climbing more, and spending more time with others. I’m healthier each day.