Episode 007

Build systems for what is important

Life places many demands on us. There is a lot that we want to do and a feeling that there is not enough time for us to complete it all. Add in to that procrastination and time wasted on the unimportant, and suddenly it can became difficult to actually go and do the things we need to do. The things that we ought to do. What we want to do.

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Systems and habits are often used interchangeably, and I’m guilty of that too. There is a difference and for me it’s primarily in the fact that a system builds chunks of time into our day or weeks where we can allow our habits to take shape.

In short, systems allow for habits to be formed.

If writing is important, we need to build a system so our habit can form. We might think that a good place to start is to set a goal to write 300 words a day. I disagree with using goals in this way and think that having a system will instead set us up for greater success. Let me explain how.

Let’s go back to this previous example. Some days the words will not flow on to the page. There are many reasons for this. You may not have done all of the preparation so you have clear thoughts and can put an idea down on paper. You may be setting the bar too high and wanting 300 great words rather than putting down a hot mess that you can begin to edit. You may not even know what it is that you want to write about. If your fictional character has just completed an action or quest, you might not be quite sure where their path leads to next.

If your goal in this instance is to write 300 words, you might be sitting at the computer screen for a long time.

Instead, we should build a system where we allocate time – such as writing for 30 minutes each day, weekend, weekday, and so forth. The words don’t matter. You could use that time to compile of list of topics you would like to explore, or outline different quests for your character to complete. You could use that time and spend the first 10 minutes writing your hot mess of ideas and then 20 minutes editing it down. The words don’t matter. The time does. This builds your habit.

Systems give us that flexibility. You aren’t committed to a word count. Therefore, if you need to revise or delete words, it’s okay – and will often result in a better article or articulation of thoughts.

Systems allows you to keep going. Some days will be more creative than others.

Some gym days will be stronger than others. You may not have gotten the necessary sleep last night. You might not be recovered. The system is to go to the gym and complete your routine. It’s not a goal of hitting a personal best each time you are there. 

Goals most certainly do have their use. Systems are the building block. Once your system is in place and you have your habit, goals can help you to focus your attention. Rather than goals, you could also thing about where it is that you are aiming. Your writing time can then become more focused – your aim is to develop and complete your fantasy novel by the end of the year. Your gym time might change to looking at building your single rep maximum rather than doing a standard workout.

Systems build habits. Use goals to focus your attention with your habits to move you towards where you want to be going. 

Now that we have our focus, we know where our boundaries are. It’s easier (still difficult at times) to enforce them. If you have a system for writing, then writing is important to you. So you know to protect your writing time if something unimportant comes up or if it isn’t aligned with your values.

Now this is all easier spoken than done, that’s for sure. It’s a big work in progress for me too, and I’m very happy with the results so far.

What are some of my systems?

  • My morning routine
  • Gym
  • Social – boardgames, climbing
  • Family dinners
  • Writing – on the patio with a coffee on weekends, on the bus on weekdays
  • Reading fantasy at night and non fiction in the morning
  • Reviewing the week ahead
  • It’s the monthly super couple brunch

Systems build habits. Goals or aim turn our focus and attention towards what matters – our values and vision. That’s the ultimate goal. To get ourselves to our vision of the life we want, of the character we want to have. Systems are a foundational element. 

So let’s continue to build and refine the systems that are present in our life.

Some starting questions for us to ask ourselves are:

  • What do I want to be spending my time doing?
  • Where do I need to be improving?
  • What do I need to remove – do I need to reduce my screen time, some of my commitments that aren’t aligned?
  • Look at your calendar – does this match the day or week that I want? What is missing?
  • Do I have time set aside for health, family, connections, adventure?

It’s all a work in progress. Let’s continue to take action and move forward.


One response to “Build systems for what is important”

  1. […] the day. I also haven’t stopped doing things either. I’ll still get to the gym and complete my morning routine and […]