Hobby Ideas. Healthier Each Day 016

Hobby Ideas

One of the great things about life our leisure time and the opportunity to pursue various hobbies. Here are a few different ideas.

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  • Try board games – Warhammer 40k Here to Slay, Munchkin, Dungeons and Dragons Mayhem – schedule a recurring board game night – weekly, fortnightly, monthly
  • Figurine painting – slows you down, need to focus, can clear your mind whilst you paint
  • Try card games – sequence, monopoly deal, phase ten
  • Walk around the block and call someone / talk / listen to a podcast
  • Write the next episode plot outline of your favourite series to give your brain a creative workout
  • Sit in silence and think – create way to begin to make sense of your thoughts and connect ideas
  • Read – walk around the house, curl up into different positions. Read both non fiction and fiction
  • Take up rock climbing or bouldering – challenge both the body and the mind – you will instantly be a beginner
  • Go to the driving range and learn some gold, then go to a par three course, work your way up
  • Volunteer – see what hospitals need help, become a JP, be a mentor, join local community programs
  • Take regular breaks – give yourself time to think things through and remove yourself from distraction
  • Learn a second language – difficult and good for the brain – es dificial pero es breuno para el cerebrro
  • Try different things and see where your interests lie – although you can’t do everything
  • Pick a few and commit to them for a period of time and see what happens. If you give yourself a few months of solid commitment on just a few, you’d be surprised how far you can go