Enjoying a coffee at the halfway point of our ride

Coffee and a bike ride

The wind buffeted against my face as I bent down lower onto the bike frame, enjoying the period of downhill that we were experiencing. It was nice to rest the legs, head in a straight line, and enjoy the moment, slight discomfort from the wind included. All too soon we had reached the bottom. We veered left, exiting the bike path, and followed a few suburban streets until we stopped at a coffee shop to mark the mid point of our journey. We had come as far as we would and after our break it was time to head back the way we came.

This was my second time out on the road bike. I’m having a blast, and it was a good change of pace. Less distance compared to the first outing so I could continue to get my comfort levels up with the bike and feel more balanced and in control. Plus, as it was a shorter distance, I had fuel in the tank to talk to everyone when we rested.

Within moments of sitting down at the cafe we were laughing at each others stories from the ride. My wife, stoked as can be to get on a bike, had left us behind in her excitement. We laughed at the level of enthusiasm behind her ride. Our coffees arrived, and taking my first sip, I could feel the flavour of the bean. It was stronger and richer than normal. It pulled me into the moment, and I laughed over a remark my friend had made. These are the moments that matter, my mind reminded me as we enjoyed our rest.

These everyday moments are so important to me. The fact that we can enjoy ordinary things is such a gift. We shouldn’t confuse the word ordinary with dull. Not at all. Rather, ordinary are the events that happen within our day. If we notice them, they can be quite amazing at times. And they can occur regularly throughout the day. Being able to take an early morning ride with family and friends, and then stopping to enjoy a coffee is nothing grand if you apply a lens of extravagance. Yet, these moments are some of the best we’ll have. Recognising that these events are not only good enough for me, but are amazing and things to be cherished has been one of the greatest lessons I have recently learnt.

I used the term the great ordinary several months ago. I think it’s a good way to look at it. That our everyday lives and the things we do, the ordinary, is actually pretty great. It’s good enough for me. 

Once we had finished our coffees, we got back on our bikes and headed back home. All up, the ride was one and a half hours, and we travelled about 30 kilometres. Not bad at all. Plus, I got to have a great coffee and laugh with the in-laws and a friend. Fitness, health, connection, adventure, family. Not a bad start to a Saturday morning if I do say so myself. 

An aspect of live I’ve been focused on lately is slowing down. Of appreciating and being present of the great ordinary. These events matter. They are lots of fun and align with the type of life I want to live. I’m grateful to have days like these.