Try an adventure race. Episode 032

Try an adventure race

If you’re looking for a fun and challenging way to test yourself, then I highly recommend you try an adventure race. So far I’ve been fortunate to be able to take part in two races – Spartan, and True Grit. Both were awesome, and tested ourselves in different ways. The tracks were different, some of the obstacles were different, the order was too. There was always something fun and challenging around the corner. 

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Be prepared to be covered in mud. Not that it’s a bad thing. It’s one of the few instances in life where you can look at a pile of mud, know you need to go through it, and think, sure, let’s do it. 

The extra challenge certainly comes later in the course once the mud is all over you. Can I climb up a rope normally? You bet. When it’s covered with mud? Can’t get off the ground. I have yet to master the technique of using your feet to lock yourself in. Previously at the gym I’ve just been able to use my arms and climb up. 

Why should you try an adventure race?

Here’s a couple of reasons why you should go on an adventure race:

  • It’s good to experience discomfort – you’ll certainly feel it when you are covered in mud and wading through cold water
  • You get to test yourself in various levels of strength – you might be able to pull yourself up over a wall but really struggle to cary a rock
  • You can see where you endurance is in the outdoors – moving on uneven terrain when jogging is it’s own challenge
  • It’s a fun way to get exercise in – endurance and strength
  • It’s a great way to challenge yourself mentally and build more resilience – getting into that muddy cold water, or getting yourself over an obstacle when you are tired and don’t want to
  • It’s a fun time with friends and family
  • You can use your first result as a benchmark and then train ready for subsequent events

Getting started

If you are new to these evens and aren’t sure how to get started, the biggest tip is to just start moving:

  • Go for a walk
  • Do a few pushups
  • Carry milk bottles around the house

These are a few small steps that we can take to build the habit of training. From there you can add more weight, reps, and then move into longer form training if you want such as the gym, or an outdoor hike, or going for a run or walk around the neighbourhood. 

If you are unsure and feeling a bit nervous about it, you can always start with a shorter race. Many adventure courses offer varying lengths, so go with what feels good for you. Plus, if you encounter an obstacle that you aren’t sure about, you can always skip it. There’s no shame. No one else on the course is paying attention to what you do and judging if you bypass. Check out Spartan, Tough Mudder, True Grit, and RAW.

Consider doing an adventure course. There are a lot of fun. End of the day, if it is not your cup of tea, you have an interesting story to share.