Statue in the garden. With the plants as they grow. Part of the ideal day

My Current Ideal Day – October 2023

I last outlined my ideal day in February 2022. Lots has changed since then. Since then, I’ve gotten married, moved house, changed jobs, and discovered new interests. It’s only natural that where I want to spend my time has changed as well. I’ve come to understand more about myself, what I want, and have refined even further my own values. Having Stoicism as a philosophy as a way of life has also put duties and obligations on to me as well. I’m more fulfilled and happy than I was in February 2022.

A central theme to the Stoics is that of Memento Mori. Remember that you have to die. Each day is one step closer to the grave. It’s not meant to be grim. Instead, it can be freeing. Accepting this reality of life can help us to put our affairs into order. It gives us perspective. If we only have so much time, then shouldn’t we want to live each day as if it is a version of a life that we want? That we are pursuing the things that matter? Are we making sure we are living a life of virtue? Of excellent? In accordance with Nature? 

Imagine a morning that works for you

It’s 5:00am. The alarm goes off. You rise, throw open the curtains, and feel the sun on your face. Hear the faint sounds of the birds. You feel awake. Not sluggish. Not wanting to hit the snooze button. You go downstairs, have a glass of water. You pause, taking in the view of the sun rise. 

Lacing up your shoes, you grab your gym back and drive to the gym. You get a great workout in. The lifts are great. The body has been worked. Or, if it’s a rest day, you’re out on a nice long walk or bike ride. 

Back at home, it’s time for a coffee. After selecting your Nespresso flavour, you sit down on the patio and start to write and think. You might read and make notes. It depends on the day. You hear the chirps of the birds. You might even see on swoop down on your lawn and grab a worm. The flowers you have been watering sway in the breeze. You notice the changes as more petals grow. 

After a small session of deep work, it’s time to have a shower and head to work.

An afternoon and evening that is full of energy

The ideal day is not over. Work has finished. You get the bus home. When you walk through the door you have a silly grin across your face as it’s now time for family. You give your wife a kiss. It’s time to share some laughs and recount your days. You prepare a nutritious dinner whilst country music is playing. Dance around the kitchen. Once dinner is ready, you both sit outside and connect.

Then it’s time to do a bit of study or more writing. Or watch an episode of one of your favourite shows or anime or wrestling. Then it’s upstairs to read a bit of your latest fantasy book before it’s time for bed.

Simple and basic. Rewarding. That is my current ideal day.