Reflecting on previous decisions. Generated with AI ∙ 2 February 2024 at 7:31 am

Our Past Choices

At the outset, we should determine in what condition we wish to be, in what kind of pursuits, and whether in private or public life – a decisions the most difficult of all; for it is in early youth, when judgement is the weakest, that one chooses some mode of life with which he has become enamoured, and thus is involved in a fixed avocation and course before he is capable of judging what is best for him.

Cicero, On Duties

We make big decisions when we are younger. We select role models. Start to dress a certain way. Mimic behaviours.
In high school we have to pick some subjects over others.
Then we choose to go to trade school or university. Decisions made based on a career we think we want. Made at 16 to 18 years old. It can set our future. Close off many doors.

It’s easy to see how we can take the view that we are trapped in life. That previous choices have set us on a path we can’t turn back from. We have to take the promotion and climb the ladder, because to change careers is too much of a pay drop. It’s just not the right time. We have a mortgage to think of.
If only we had chosen differently.

At a crossroads.
Generated with AI ∙ 2 February 2024 at 7:28 am

At a crossroads. Generated with AI ∙ 2 February 2024 at 7:28 am

To be clear, I am very happy with where I am in life. I love my life. Rather, this is a general sense of where we could end up if we see circumstances in a certain light.

I had many different ideas of what I want to be growing up. Cowboy was the first choice as some in single digit years. Then a fighter pilot. Fireman. 
In high school I learnt to code basic html and made a DragonBall Z and Gundam website on Geocities. I thought website design would be awesome. I even did work experience in that area. 
Enrolling in Information Technology (IT) made sense for university. Turns out though, that one can’t simply just do a degree in websites. I had to do other IT subjects, which I had no interest in. So I changed to business.

One does not simply study web design at university

Looking back, a simple and alternative solution would have been to do a website design course outside of university, such as through TAFE. That wasn’t a thought that we even considered though. That was some missing knowledge. 

My experience with business was mixed. Some subjects were great. Other subjects I had no interest in. I dropped out. Luckily I really enjoyed the retail part time job I had whilst at high school and university, so I went full time there and moved into a management role.

All unchartered territory. 

After a few years I went back to university and graduated from business with an extended major in Human Resources. Moved into that industry. Had a blast and enjoyed it. 
Yet I needed that retail management experience to realise I enjoyed working with people, and liked the people side of the business.

It was all valuable learning, which also needs to happen when we are younger. We need to try different things and learn what it is that we like doing as young adults. What we might like to do moving forward. 

In my late 20’s I decided that I wanted to explore the world. To be someone who had a greater perspective, who had al of these cool experiences. Who had done some awesome. Solo backpacked around the world. 
My perspective was on experiences and development. So whilst I didn’t know exactly where I was going, I wanted to grow. It took me a few years to go and actually do it. 

From that trip I got into the outdoors. Discovered guiding and outdoor education. Pursued a new career and had a blast. I served others. It was awesome. Thankfully, I met some wonderful people along the way, whose experiences and advice became important guiding posts for me during these years.

I met a lot of travellers on that journey. Many were much younger. Kudos to them for finding those mentors and making that leap. I was certainly not ready at 18. Or 20. Or 22.

A lot more knowledge gained.

These experiences are foundational to the person that I am today. The person that can daydream. The person with Human Resources experience. Someone who travelled the world, figured it out as he went, saw amazing things. The outdoor educator who got to teach students wilderness and leadership skills. 
The married man. Townhouse owner. 
Making progress on applying Stoicism as a way of life.

I needed those wandering experiences. To not know at times and try something new. To not be trapped, feel trapped, and change direction.

I still feel very young in some ways. Dad life? Stoked! But, how do I change a diaper? What do I do, about, well, everything?
I’m excited to gain more experience, knowledge. To do so alongside my wife, family, and friends.
To gain wisdom and pass it down.

Because that is the direction we all head in as we age. We should accept one of our duties in older life to share wisdom and perspective. Help and be of service to others. Be role models.

To help others, when there own judgement is the weakest, to find a path forward they will enjoy.

I’m excited for this journey.