Man enjoying mowing and gardening

Why I’ve Come to Enjoy Gardening

I’m not sure what the change was. Perhaps it was just the passing of time and doing the thing, getting my reps in, so to speak. Or a gradual mindset shift that accompanies living out a philosophy as a way of life and embracing the various duties that one must fulfil. Or it could be something else completely different. Irrespective, I’ve come to really enjoy gardening and all of the benefits that it provides. 

There are many health benefits to gardening. Not that these were front and centre. So we’ll highlight the general benefits and move on. Gardening provides exercise, strengthens some muscles, and supports overall well-being. It boosts mood, reduces stress, and enhances cognitive function.

When we first purchased our townhouse and moved in, I didn’t feel good about garden care. I was reluctant to get a mower and waited until the last possible moment to cut the crass. The flowers and gardens were watered irregularly. Things weren’t cleaned. Tending to these things was just a side effect to having a place with a lawn. Plus, I wasn’t even using it. Instead, it was something that added on time for me. Instead of doing something better (playing xbox, or watching TV), I had to mow the lawn. It even felt overwhelming at first. For a first time townhouse owner, here’s all of the extra things I know had to find time to do:

  • Mow the lawn
  • Clean and sweep the patio
  • Water the plants
  • Weed
  • Clear out the gutters
  • Keep on top of all of the spider webs that keep appearing


Then I got more into a routine. I started using the patio in the mornings. It became a great haven for me – a place where I could write, read, and enjoy my coffee. I noticed the sounds of the birds in the morning and enjoyed being outside rather than in. So I started keeping that space clean. The garden was still meh. Then gradually the attitude changed. 

I know dad hood plays an important part in this change. My brain is changing as I look towards those duties I will need to undertake. It’s changed the way I see that space. It’s a wonderful space for our child (and hopefully children) and I’m taking care of it so that we can provide this. As dad’s, I think that this is a driving force for us. To build and provide an environment where we are able to care for our children. 

That would explain why I was having so much fun with the gurney over the weekend. And mowing, and cleaning. 

Providing this space is a local activity. Our own little world and universe. Does it really matter then? Of course. The benefits expand out. We provide. Our health is good. We have a place where we can accomplish a lot of our other duties to family and community. 

Kids can explore. We can have a picnic. We can host events.

This helps others. The circle of care expands outwards. 

It’s also an activity you can do with others. Mostly I think about what that means for activities for our child/children. 

I close my eyes and see their curiosity come to life. They explore. See the caterpillars, maybe even shriek at a spider. Look at the snail. Smell the flowers. We grow vegetables. As they get older we work together. Mow the lawn and take care of it. Pull out weeds and cut back some of the branches. Divide who does what. The family then provides that care. And in doing so, we are of service to each other. 

That’s the insight I’ve come to. It’s not that we need to do anything super flashy to be of service. It’s the small, mundane things that matter. Yet, they are also really enjoyable to do. At least for me once I had that mindset shift that I was providing. It’s taking ownership and looking at the spaces you can provide. 


One response to “Why I’ve Come to Enjoy Gardening”

  1. […] The yard becomes a place where we can explore and learn more about our local environment. We can find snails and caterpillars. Engage in interest-and-curiosity led learning. Have a picnic. Do cartwheels. Race each other. Practice handstands or kicking a ball. Having to maintain this space is a wonderful way for us to provide. It also helps with community as we have a place we can host family and friends. If you’d like to read more about my personal reflections on coming to enjoy gardening, click here.  […]