On Getting Older and Living Unhurried. Drinking a coffee whilst looking out at the ocean

38 lessons from 38 years

38 trips around the sun. Time does move quickly in the day to day. In some respects it seems just like yesterday I was celebrating 37. Yet so much was also accomplished in 12 months. Lots of great memories made and experiences had.

Lessons learnt. Insights obtained.

So here’s a list of 38 lessons that I can think of:

  1. Family is key. Build these relationships
  2. One of the most important decisions you’ll make is who you marry (luckily for me I crushed it)
  3. A coffee in the morning is a great way to start your day
  4. Drink your coffee slow and enjoy. Slow down and enjoy. Sometimes even have a piece of chocolate with it
  5. Search for a philosophy of life you want to live. It’s about the alignment of your actions
  6. Follow your interests, even if they aren’t popular – watch and draw anime, be into pro-wrestling
  7. Start investing early. Continue to invest and save. Compound interest needs years to come into it’s own
  8. Try different things. You’ll like some, not others. That’s okay. Stop what you don’t enjoy
  9. Always focus on your health and fitness. Stay healthy. It’s hard to build muscle. Keep going
  10. Travel. Learn. Explore
  11. Build healthy habits
  12. Question the habits you are building – build the good ones, drop the bad ones
  13. Make sure you regularly reflect on your actions and where you are going – is it aligned with the person you want to be and where you want to go?
  14. Write. Get your thoughts down. Add your own perspective and stories to things
  15. Build a business. Learn if it fails. Build a new one
  16. Friendships are important
  17. Being a dad is one of the greatest things I can imagine
  18. Be curious about the world
  19. Read often and widely. When you find your interests, read about that. Enjoy sci-fi and fantasy. Read philosophy. Enjoy non-fiction
  20. Have creatine daily. It’s an effective way to help with your muscle gains
  21. Walk as often as you can. Take the stairs. Walk and talk. It clears your mind and is a great way to keep active
  22. Slow down and enjoy the moment you are in. Don’t rush
  23. Star Wars
  24. Whiskey is a nice drink to have occasionally. It has a good taste. Have one and enjoy it. No more
  25. You can return to previous interests. Many of the things that excite me these days where things that I was stoked on as a kid – anime, writing, hiking, gym
  26. Other people think about you way less than you think, if at all. Don’t worry if a comment sounded silly, or you thought you looked awkward
  27. Make the bed
  28. There is a difference between training for 1) strength, 2) size, 3) both strength and size
  29. Things come and go. People will come and go
  30. Don’t discount ancient or old wisdom. Take the time to think for yourself
  31. Remember what is up to you and not up to you
  32. Be part of and contribute to a community
  33. There are so many awesome things that we can do. It’s too much for us. Instead, fulfilment is in narrowing down this list and focusing on less. Do what matters to you – even if that means a career break or career change
  34. This is our one life. So live it, rather than shying away
  35. Active listening is one of the greatest things you can do, and one of the best things another person can experience
  36. Don’t play the victim
  37. You need to work hard to figure out how to work smart
  38. University may not be the answer. You learn a lot (if not most) of what you need to on the job of through external training courses

What are some of your own lessons? Let me know.