Do the work. Head out for a walk

No one can do the work for you

I went to the gym for the first time the other day to see the manager in person. I asked for a refund. The gym manager looked perplexed and asked why. “Well, I got a membership two months ago and nothing has happened. ????

There are some things that we can’t outsource. Can’t have someone do it for us. We have to do it ourselves:

  • Lift heavy things
  • Go on walks
  • Eat well
  • Focus on our family

We can get help and assistance, for sure. A personal trainer can write a workout routine for us. We can walk with others for company and support. A dietician can help us with a meal plan. But, when it comes time to do the actual thing, that’s all on us. We have to do it. That’s on us.

Why do we put so much focus on fitness as a first step? On going to the gym or heading out for a walk? Because it’s an easy entry barrier. We can take a step, and then another. We can do one rep at a light weight, and then another. It’s ‘easy’ to get started and build the habit. The results can also come quickly. We’ll level up. 

Plus we feel good afterwards. We can go and accomplish more hard things. 

Which brings us to our next question. We know these things are good for us. So why do we have a hard time doing these things when it should be easy to get started?

They require effort. Discomfort. Commitment. Discipline. All of the things that are hard. The easier option, of course, is to do nothing. 

But then nothing will change. 

What are some steps we can take?

  • Start with a 10min walk and gradually increase
  • Start with pushups and home, then look at a gym
  • Ease in to the gym. Do a set. It doesn’t have to be a long session. Start small
  • Focus on progress towards healthier meals. Add more vegetables and protein
  • Plan for date nights. Do a weekly review of your calendar and book something in

So we have to do the thing. Embrace doing hard things. Lean into discomfort. Pay the price now, for a better future self. Invest in ourselves now. Do the thing. We’ll be glad later on when we are in our healthy body. 

Which means starting. At first, the basics will get us far. Small walks. Compound lifts. We don’t need all of the knowledge. Accepting this helped me a lot. Researching the best workouts wasn’t making me put on size. Going to the gym and doing compound movements – bench, pull-ups, squats did. Then I could focus on refinements. 

We have to lift the weight and go for the walk. There is no other choice. 

What small steps can you take today towards a healthier you? What are you struggling with? How can I help? Let me know


One response to “No one can do the work for you”

  1. […] a previous article we discussed that there are some things that we can’t outsource, that we have to do the work for. […]