Morning coffee, time to read and reflect, create. Made with DALLE3

What if we have everything?

It’s 7:45am. I’ve been up for a few hours already. Breakfast is my current favourite – yoghurt, muesli, fresh blueberries. It’s a day of rain. Not that it’s a bad thing. A nice backdrop to look outside the window whilst I ate. Coffee in hand, I headed upstairs and spent an hour working on a presentation I’m giving in two weeks to a meetup group. Cicero’s On Duties.

Now, I’ve caught up on a few emails. Feeling pumped, I’m sitting outside under the patio. One of my favourite places to be. Coffee number two in hand. I’ve gone with the cookies flavour. It smells nice. The rain is lighter now, the pitter patter on the roof a nice, pleasant sound to listen to. The birds are quiet today. I nice setting to sit and be still. To think. To write. I’m on holidays so I have the luxury of a slow morning. One where I’ve already been writing for more than an hour. Where I can write for another hour more.

Other mornings I’m able to walk with my wife on our coffee walks. Other days my mum joins us. They are full of conversation and laughter. We get to the cafe and talk to others there, grab our coffee, and drink as we walk back home.

Three mornings a week I get to the gym. Rise, have a quick breakfast, go a life some heavy things. 

In many respects the day has just started, yet my cup is overflowing.

It’s a phrase that we hear a lot. I also think it’s one that we quickly forget about. Placed in the back parts of our mind. If we are lucky, when we are experiencing a moment of fulfilment, the saying will work its way to the forefront. My cup is full. 

It’s worth repeating. Our cup is full.

When I think about it, I do have everything I need. Sure, there are things I’d like to be better. That’s for sure. But at a basic level of meaning and fulfilment and responsibilities, I’m there.

  • I am employed and able to perform the tasks
  • I’m part of community groups
  • I’m learning and growing
  • I have a great family life
  • I have friendships
  • I’m healthy

We have what we need.

We don’t need the newest thing and ads or people are always telling us. What we need is right in front of us, if we stop and look for it.

What we do need to do though, is maintain what we have. It’s hard to maintain health, friendships, skills, family values. It requires constant work. That is where our focus needs to be. We need to keep going to the gym and going on walks. Having conversations and checkin in with others. Applying skills. Building and creating. Laughing. Doing work. It’s a constant work in progress. Yet, it also provides us with everything we need.


One response to “What if we have everything?”

  1. […] previous post focused on the idea of what if we have everything we need. We do. I remind myself this constantly. […]