Writing my 2023 annual review from our motel

2023 Annual Review

How do I think about my 2023 Annual Review? Have you watched Wheel of Time season two yet? Major goals have been completed. The stage is set for something bigger and better.

That was 2023.

I’m writing this review whilst on vacation in Tweed Heads. We took a break and went to the Coast, where we could go on long walks in the morning and evening, and then spend our full day writing and reading.

I’ve got my instant coffee next to me, plugging away at the keyboard. It feels very, American. Drinking and writing away. My own little mini diner experience.

2023 was quite the year. As I alluded to with my Wheel of Time comparison, we levelled up, a lot. Some great experiences were had. I gained a lot of new skills. We improved – made progress – which is what you want. We’ve set ourselves up for a great 2024 – which will have its own enjoyable challenges and changes.

What went well in 2023?

I view with pleasure and approval the way you keep on at your studies and sacrifice everything to your single-minded efforts to make yourself every day a better man

Seneca, Letter V

It was a great year of progress and learning:

  • We are expecting ???? Due end of April 2024
  • We painted the house, which turned out to be a really fun project.
  • I also built a shed, including digging up the ground, learning how to box it in, laying the concrete, and then anchoring the shed
  • Went to Japan for two weeks
  • Learnt more about my emerging interests, and based on this, enrolled in and made a lot of progress on my Diploma of Counselling
  • My fitness became the best it’s been, with lots of strength and muscle gain
  • Lots of coffee walks
  • Implemented more of a philosophy as a way of live to living – really enjoying what I’m calling the great ordinary, the everyday moments
  • Crossed out one year married milestone, and, got to have the top tier of our cake that we saved and enjoy it with both of our parents and brother-in-law
  • Completed some adventure races with fiends – Spartan, True Grit, RAW

What didn’t go well?

  • In some aspects, which we are keeping private for now in a public forum, we did have a very challenging year. We had to navigate a lot of grief and loss. Thankfully, we were able to navigate these experiences with both love for and towards each other. That was key for us to getting through this period
  • I retired a podcast that I had, or rather, the sound of my voice talking about things. I started a podcast because that was just what you did in 2023 right? Podcasting was the new medium. But I didn’t enjoy it. I stopped and focused instead on what I enjoy – on writing
  • Whilst I made a lot of progress, I still held back in pursuing some of my goals. I didn’t even make a start on some big ticket items. The fear is still there. I can’t let owning a gym/bouldering gym/wellness place/cafe always be a pipe dream. 

Focus for 2024

The most important step a person can take is the next one

Dalinar, Oathbringer book

I write, and think, a lot about ensuring that we are aiming in the right direction. That we are focused on what matters.

Therefore, my focus for this year is ensuring that I am living a life that is in alignment with my values and aim.

Or, to put it better, that I live out my philosophy as a way of life.

To break this done into a few goals:

  • Dad life! Learn, grow, share
  • Grow my Twitter to 1,000 followers
  • Finish my Diploma of Counselling
  • Increase my strength and gain muscle
  • Build my community – see family and friends regularly, participate more in my communities

Or, to simplify it further, live out my philosophy.

Here’s to 2024. The next quests. The connections, laughs, learnings along the way. 


One response to “2023 Annual Review”

  1. […] For the most part these are strong. I’m healthy. I love and enjoy spending time with family. I have close friends. I’m able to partake in the community. I’m making progress in philosophy and living one as a way of life.Being a dad will have extra duties. I need to be a more capable man. […]