January 2022 Focus

We are almost one week through January. How time flies (and always flies), as they say. Life continues to move forward, and we continue to head out of many different adventures and do a lot of different things. We laugh, adventure, quest. Catch up with others. Relax and have some downtime over a book and anime show. Stretch and train. Walk and listen to podcasts. The routines continue and we have space to do other things.

Which is why it’s important to sit back and check-in to make sure that we are building space to focus on some specific inputs, both in the short and long term. I firmly believe that daily routines are essential for both of these. A long term goal of mine is to be health, fit, and strong (yes, a very loose definition of what I want). To do this, I need to be mobile and flexible – so doing my morning routine of a foam roll and stretch is an important daily input to ensure this. This is one example of many.

Yet, we also need to look at what focus we want to put each month, as the balance for various things will also need to be redone. I don’t think you have perfect balance in all things. Rather, it needs to ebb and flow as needed. Over the next few months, wedding focus will be more of the primary function. As such, some of the fitness may need to give – such as maybe it’s only a 90 minute climbing session for a while rather than the usual two hours.

So, here are the specific focus points (in addition to everything else), that I am putting in place for the rest of January:

  • More in depth blog posts – whilst shorter daily posts have helped to form new habits, they are not ultimately where I want to end up. As such I need to modify my habit so I continue to write daily – and use this time to build out a longer form post for the website
  • Launch the podcast – I’ve been thinking about this for quite a while, so it’s time to just bite the bullet and make it happen (but first, a shave and haircut)
  • Do weekly podcast episodes – not set length of time is required, but it needs to happen weekly
  • Stretch out in the evenings too – keep the body in focus
  • Wedding venue booked, guest lists drafted, things happening
  • Keep the momentum going on everything else

So, here we are. I’m committed and have daily reminders in my phone to prompt me. Let’s make it happen!


One response to “January 2022 Focus”

  1. […] out the final days, I thought it best to check in with myself to see how I tracked against the focus points I gave myself at the start of the […]