Settling in to a new place

Over the weekend we moved in to our new place, a nice townhouse located in the southeast. After getting up this morning, I hopped down the stairs to our new place, and unpacked my bag from the night before. I bought in the washing, folded some clothes, and now sit outside on a couch under the patio, decaf coffee in hand, writing this post. It’s cold enough to be wearing a sweater, and my view is our green lawn with a few plants scattered around. Plenty of room to grow and make it our own (perhaps with a future sauna in the backyard rather than a dog running around hey :P).

I’m surprised at just how quickly we have settled into this place. It certainly feels like ours. As someone who thrives on routine, I thought it would take me a while to get used to things. We have a new gym with new equipment, we have to pull up the roller doors rather than using a clicker, we have a second story, household items aren’t in the cupboards where they used to be. Yet this wasn’t an issue. Now we have both a tea cupboard and a coffee cupboard. Bliss!

The mind adapts quickly. I often end up at the cupboard I need for the item I want.

The move wasn’t without it’s challenges and it was a big learning experience for us. Fate willing (the reverse clause as the Stoics would say), we would settle on Thursday afternoon. That was not to be the case, and we got our keys late Friday afternoon. That meant instead of a removalist for the big items, it was our friends and some trailers. We got there in the end and it was fun, and was a good experience in adaptability.

It’s also a chance to embed new routines. One thing that has been on my mind for a long time is the idea of a nightly journal reflective experience. Seneca was a bit advocate of this, and it’s come up a few times in various podcasts I listen to. Recap the day, and thing about both the wins and where you can improve. Life is a pursuit, after all, and I am far from perfect. So with that I purchased a guided daily journal and have started that.

All in all, life is great. I already love the new place and it feels like home.