The importance of relationship

There is no enjoying the possession of anything valuable unless one has someone to share it with

Seneca – Letters from a Stoic

I still remember the day I saw Machu Picchu for the first time. If I close my eyes, I can take myself back there. I can feel the dew on my skin. I can smell the air – that musty smell that’s a combination of hiking for four days and the smell of mist in the valley below that will bring showers. I can see what’s laid out before me. In that moment I was Indiana Jones. When the mist cleared, I was about to look down at the ancient ruins that had long captivated me. I’ve been fortunate to see ruins before. But it was Machu Picchu that was always the one I had to see. When the mist parted and I looked down into the ruins of the valley below, I remember the emotions like it was yesterday. I remember the tears on my cheeks. I remember the excitement of our tour party. It was one of the best and most memorable experiences of my life.

It was also a solo experience.

Sometimes we need to wander solo. Sometimes we need to spend time with ourselves to fully understand who we are, what we want, who we could become (in all of the different paths we could walk, both the good and the bad), and who we want to become. We need to look deep into ourselves and find (or discover) what it is we value. Only when one has spent time alone and come to understand who they are do they become ready, and worthy, for relationship. We need to take a hero’s journey.

It took me four years to hang up my hat and move to the next phase. I returned to Brisbane. I went back to university. I joined a rock climbing gym. I met other cool people and expanded my friendship circle. I depend may connection with my high school friends. I grew close with neighbours and new friends too. I met my wife. We got married. We purchased a townhouse.

Our townhouse has a patio which has become an important part of my morning routine. I do a lot of writing and reading out here. And so it was that Seneca’s words reached me one morning this year. That gem of wisdom we all know, but often don’t sit back to contemplate. We need people to share our lives with. I’m excited to one day return to Machu Picchu with Renee, and explore much of the world with her in the years to come.

Anyone can be famous. Only you can be dad or mum or daughter or son or soul mate to the people in your life

Ryan Holiday – Stillness is the Key

Only I can be Renee’s husband. This is my journey. To be the best husband that I can be. Only I can be my parent’s son. My friend’s friend. It’s a big responsibility. It’s one that I want to shoulder. It’s one I want to and will need to continually improve at. I will be the hero. And to do that I need a party. We need a party of other hero’s. We need relationships. They are the key.