2022 in review

2022 in Review

2022 was a fantastic year for us. As I thought about 2022 in review, I realised that I had a lot to be excited for. Some wonderful memories were created. It was also a very hard year in other respects, with our share of grief. I’m reminded of Boethius’ Lady Philosophy. For most of the year, she was with us. At some point, the Lady had to leave. I’m grateful for what we had and even for what we had to endure. I learnt a lot about myself, and also grew through those experiences. For now, they are private and something I won’t share on the blog.

Some of our highlights included:

  • Getting engaged
  • Buying and moving in to a townhouse
  • Getting married
  • Hiking the Overland track (for our honeymoon)
  • Going to a friends wedding
  • Hosting Christmas at our place
  • Heading on a roadtrip
  • Great results with indoor bouldering
  • Lifting better at the gym and putting on muscle and size
  • Discovering new interests (or reigniting old ones) – reading more, playing board games, getting in to Warhammer
  • Starting my podcast and then launching under the name Healthier Each Day
  • Lots of time with family

Add in work success and achievements, al of the time we have spent with family and friends, and 2022 really was a wonderful year. As I reflect on the year that was, a couple of lessons come to mind.

Be selective in how you spend your time

In 2022 I was more selective and considered in how I spent my time. I would look at what the activities were and ask myself if they aligned with what I want. It’s easy for our time to be hijacked if we don’t pay attention. If we say ‘yes’ to everything then our days/weeks/months become out of our control. We may move further away from where we want to be.

Therefore, I started saying ‘no’ to more and more things. This freed up a lot of time which I would then invest back into the things that matter. It ensured I had adequate time to devote to activities such as being a member of the body corporate. Or being present with friends when catching up. To be able to linger and enjoy moments and not have to worry about rushing off to the next thing.

I also eliminated some things too, moving away from previous interests that no longer called to me. This meant I had to close out prior identifies and be okay with it. For years I thought of myself as a ‘climber.’ No more. And I’m okay with that.

I reduced my TV time (I still watch AEW and anime, of course), eliminated some unhealthy foods, and put in place healthier boundaries.

I found that be doing less I ended up doing more. My work was to a higher quality and I was more present and focused in my interactions.

Marriage is great

On 15 May 2022 I said ‘I do.’ It’s been amazing so far. I was unprepared for how things ‘change’ without actually changing. Our day to day is mostly the same. However, the level of connectedness I feel, the desire to do better and be better is unreal. I love it. We continue to develop and serve each other, to challenge each other, and to grow together. In some ways it lightens the load as your are sharing your life with someone else. In other ways it increases your responsibility. I need to be better after all and move towards the best version of myself possible. It’s no longer just about me, it’s about the family we will one day build.

I’ll have years to reflect on just how great (and important) marriage is. For now, the lesson is just how much we can do together, and the responsibilities that we have towards each other, and how important it is that we continue to communicate regularly with each other and listen. Each day is a blast and it’s full of adventures.

Systems and habits are key

Systems help us to create a structure so we can build the habits we need to have the character we want. I’ve found that when the rider is in control, I’m better at getting my habits in check. The elephant is not that great – the unconscious part of the brain. To be better, the elephant needs to be retrained. This is only done through long term habit building. Systems are, I believe, foundational in ensuring long term habit formation and retraining.

I’ve done a lot this year to square away my systems and adjust my habits. I’m lifting the best I’ve lifted at the gym. I’m stretching regularly. We are getting out walking and hiking. I’ve been able to devote time to reading, training, Warhammer, board games, communities, eating well. I’ve increased my responsibilities, have been able to mostly keep up, and have kept healthy. A big part of that is being disciplined with systems and always evaluating and adjusting what I add and importantly take away from the regular things that I do.

I’ve only just started dealing into systems and am excited to build this in 2023.

Be kind to yourself

This isn’t about be nice.

It’s about still recognising where I have fallen short, acknowledging my flaws and that I will slip up. I need to keep following and refining my systems and focus to make sure I am still aiming in the right direction of where I want to go.

Philosophy is central

To lead a good life I have to know what it is that I’m striving for. The ancients have it correct, I think, when they talk about having a philosophy as a way of life. To live a life of virtue. Virtue has various definitions. The Stoics put forward some examples. So do the religions. I have to define what it is to me so that I am clear focused in where I am headed and can easily make decisions that align with this.

In 2022 I got much clearer on where I was going and what a virtuous life meant for me. This enabled me to more easily say ‘no’ to things and to pursue what’s important. I discovered that sometimes this will mean going against the grain or doing something that is unpopular. It’s only through developing a philosophy that I was able to pursue a path and be okay with disagreements.

Be open to new possibilities and interests

We are always changing. I am always changing. Sometimes I think this is a slow process and other times I feel like I’m changing at a rapid pace. 2022 was a big year of changes for me in my hobbies, systems and how I want to spend my time. I’m really happy with the results and the achievements I shared above speak to that.

I let go of old interests. I’m no longer a climber and have no desire to be ‘getting after it’ all weekend out at a crag somewhere or planning the next big trip. I’m happy to go indoor bouldering and instead spend time at the gym lifting weights to train. The results that I’ve achieved this year through lifting have been great and in many respects I’m in the best shape of my life, including physically looking the best too.

I rediscovered interests from my earlier years and have been enjoying getting back into anime and video games. I’m reading more fantasy and discovering some great works from decades ago. I’m spending more time with family. Rucking has replaced walking. Warhammer is a new emerging interest for me.

I’ve realised and learnt this year that we need to be open to changing interests and give ourselves permission to explore them, to lean in to what is interesting, and to let go of what we no longer want to do. I can give up a hobby that I am no longer interested in.

Closing out

For me 2022 has been a wonderful year full of learning and growth. I’ve mentioned many times just how thrilled I am at the year that was. Now I’m focusing on the current year too. On building out my philosophy, looking at virtues, and examine the systems I need to put in place to build the habits that I want. I’ve still got another week of work. I’ve got the opportunity to continue to unpack where I’m heading over the next few days. It’s going to be a great 2023!


One response to “2022 in Review”

  1. […] I’ve done the work in the past. Many. I’ve even just done a reflection on 2022 as an article and as a podcast. Yet in my rush, I forgot those lessons and tried to power through. A good […]