Episode 009

11 Morning Routine Hacks for 2023

It’s the start of 2023 so it’s a great time to look at the habits and systems we currently have in place and seek inspiration and tips on what modifications we might want to make.

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I love morning routines. I find that it sets me up to have a great day and puts me in a really good mood and mindset. It helps me accomplish a lot of important things early in the day, which then means I can be more flexible in the afternoons and evenings – I don’t have to worry about trying to get a workout in, trying to move, and so forth. I’ve already done that.

I am interested  in how I can continue to refine my routines. What are the small things we can put in place that will help us be healthier each day? I’m not suggesting that we implement all of these. Rather, we might find inspiration from some of them and be able to incorporate them into our mornings.

Here are 11 hacks to consider that you might want to incorporate into your own routine.

  • Know your plan the night before – wake up, cold shower, stretch, gym, work | wake up, walk, coffee, shower, work – good to think about your focus for the day and what needs to happen and what your schedule is
  • Get your 7-8 hours of sleep – that might mean an earlier bedtime for you. Set a time and as best as you can stick to it. Having adequate sleep allows you to maintain your focus and attention throughout the day so it is a must
  • Do not hit the snooze button – build the discipline, work on reframing your mind on the importance of your day and getting started. You have a mission in life and we need to work ourselves towards the point where we want to jump out of bed to achieve it. I also do want to stress that it is also okay for feel tired and not want to get out of bed at times. Even Marcus Aurelius writes about wanting to stay in his bed for longer when he needs to rise for the day. That extra five minutes won’t take your body in to REM state, so we’ll feel groggy, so let’s just get up. Full disclaimer – I still hit the snooze button and it’s a work in progress for me. Some days I’m up, other days I struggle
  • Cold shower before you work out – get the benefit of cold exposure early. Get the adrenaline flooding through your system. It will wake you up and you will feel invigorated. It will totally suck in the moment (especially during winter) but it feels great afterwards
  • Water in the morning – get hydrated early
  • Sunlight first up – helps wake up. Help your body work with it’s circadian rhythm. Sunlight before screen light
  • Move – go for a walk, lift, go climbing, ruck, foam roll, stretch – sets you up to have a great day as feel great afterwards, and you don’t have to worry about fitting it in later that afternoon or evening and risk having life get in the way
  • Coffee 90 minutes at least after you wake up – enjoy your coffee – be present – if you are using it for the caffeine hit you won’t get it if your body isn’t fully woken up
  • Get up early – it’s your time before the rest of the world begins to want your attention – can get the things done that will move the needle and are important to you – you CAN change your chronotype – it is hard and worth it
  • Use your reminders app – helps you remember what you need to do when – helps build your system and then your habits – builds into shaping the character you want
  • Discipline will beat drive everyday – build the system – it just happens even when you aren’t motivated – easier to commit rather than wait for motivation to appear

Would love to hear your own hacks. Reach out and let me know.

Let’s take Action. Move Forward.

Inspired by https://www.nickkoumalatsos.com/the-guide/2017/11/20/7-must-do-morning-routine-hacks


One response to “11 Morning Routine Hacks for 2023”

  1. […] Simply put, I haven’t yet done the work needed so I can produce the podcast episode that I want (in this case, 11 morning routine hacks for 2023). […]