Calmness in the mornings

Seek novelty each day

We headed out on our weekend walk as the sun was starting to rise. The day was starting just that little bit later as we move away from the height of summer. Faint hues of pink were in the sky. Walking for a couple of minutes, the sun started to creep its way in. The colours became more vibrant, more bold. We commented on this as we walked. Later on our walk (or ruck as I now like to refer to it as I wear a backpack with 15kg) we headed past a cafe and looked at the new improvement works that had taken place. My hand holding Renee’s, we continued on our journey, heading over some longer grass on one of the streets before crossing the road and heading down the hill to our townhouse. 

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Each day is a little bit different. There is always something new to see and hear, if we are paying attention.

Whilst this may not seem glamorous, it’s these moments that I cherish. They aren’t flashy or new. There’s nothing shiny there. But the mornings are mine, full of little experiences to be found. Whilst I might not have a beaming smile on my face at some points in the walk, these little novelties each day ground me in the moment and make me grateful for the life I get to life. Our best time is now. My hand holding my wife’s, backpack on, out early in the morning. 

When we get back it’s time for a coffee. It is a staple in my life. I like to have different flavours so each day I can pick what strength I want. Recently it’s been good to have more of a lighter flavour that I can have over ice on these hotter, more humid mornings. I’ve always got a sweet spot for Peru organic, and I do like the pumpkin spice and Christmas fruit flavours that Nespresso had. I purchased those in bulk when they were available. 

Seeking out and experiencing novelty everyday is for me one of the keys for a good life. Small things are important. They matter. Plus they help us to continue to pay attention to things.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.

Ferris Bueller

It’s these rituals that set me up for the day. They are novel. There is something new to experience. It can even be what we consider to be the really small things, such as:

  • noticing the change of season
  • letting your conversations meander into different areas
  • reading a new book
  • trying a new coffee flavour
  • having a tea instead and pausing at the end of each sip to savour it
  • journalling your thoughts
  • going to a play or concert
  • walking a different route or even doing your current one in reverse
  • making a couple of affirmations and looking at one each day
  • rotating recent photos so they are on display to remind us of what we have been up to

These things add to our day. I’m more present. I remember more about the days. I work smarter. There is more time for conversations and time with friends. We create memories and each day is one to look forward to. We avoid the trap of only being living for the weekend.

Seek novelty in the everyday. Each day is a day to be excited about.