Episode 014. Do the work

Do the work

I recorded a podcast earlier this year. Halfway through, I knew that it wasn’t good yet I persisted and kept recording. My stubbornness won out on that battle, although I’m not sure what it actually accomplished in the end. The video still ended up in the bin and not published. I wasted an extra 10 minutes recording when I should have just stopped.

If you would prefer to listen to this article, you can listen on YouTube or through the player below.

It was terrible. There were a lot of filler words in there. I lost my place. Sentences were repeated.

I know what it is that I want to talk about. My focus was off.

Simply put, I haven’t yet done the work needed so I can produce the podcast episode that I want (in this case, 11 morning routine hacks for 2023).

Intuitively, we know what it is that we need to do. Yet it can be so hard at times to go and do the work. 

  • Have a cold shower, life heavy weights, eat the right foods, keep the body moving.
  • Read and reflect. Review your notes for continual learning and improvement. 
  • Write and explore thoughts.
  • Spend focused time with family and friends. 

Much easier said than actually done.

It’s been quite hot in the afternoons so any desire to go on a walk goes out the window. To get around this, we’ve been going to Garden City shopping centre and walking laps around the complex. It’s nice. We are in the aircon, we get to do lots of window shopping. I’m getting good steps in and laughing with my wife as we converse about random topics. Then my eyes see the Donut King sign. Game over. Go on, you deserve it, my mind whispers to me. I agree. Heck yea! So I’ve started to do the thing of getting more steps in and eating well and then at the same time I’ve also increased exponentially the number of strawberry dinosaur donuts that I’m consuming. Not doing the work. Donut King you have become my nemesis. 

Perhaps there is not yet a fully alignment between the person I say I want to be, and the person that I actually want to be. There is a difference and we need to explore it. Just like there is a difference at times between what we say we want and what we actually want.

First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.


I need to focus again on small wins and mindset shifts. Restore my systems. Yes, a system might be to go to Garden City to get some walking in, but that alone won’t stop me from wanting to get that donut in my belly. That’s where cultivating then right mindset comes in. Of fully understanding the person and character I want to have. Of saying that I am the type of person who enjoys treats on occasion when I have worked hard, and not every time my foot steps foot in a shopping centre. 

This has led me to a couple of strategies that we can focus on.

Take the temptation out of the equation

One strategy is to fully remove the temptation so we don’t even have to think about it. I can modify the route that we take when walking around the shopping centre so that when we are walking upstairs, we take the escalator down at the half way point to the lower level to continue walking (thus completely avoiding donut king). 

Zero in on the person you want to be

Get the wording right in your head. I am the type of person who doesn’t each a donut when I walk past the shop. I work out hard and then once a week has one as a treat, if I have earned it. Who eats well so that I have a healthy body. 

That can help us to make better choices, and each time we do, as James Clear says in Atomic Habits, that is a positive vote toward us becoming that person. 

Examine the small wins we can get

What are the small things that remove the friction so it’s easier for us to go and do what needs to be done? We can lay out our gym clothes then night before so its easier for us to get into the car. 

Let’s pack our lunch box after dinner with healthy leftovers, so if we are in a rush the next day there is no temptation to get takeout instead. 

We can put a reminder in our phone to do and do some pushups and air squats, or to take a few moments and breathe deeply. 

Start your work project straight away with the intro and a rough outline so it’s easier to resume each day and make progress. 

Know the hard things that we need to undertake

Let’s get clear on this. First of all, everything in life is going to be hard. So let’s actively choose the hard that will lead us to the best outcome. 

Let’s choose that we will pursue a workout routine, or an active hobby.

Let’s decide that we will read and learn.

We need to put our phone away and be present in conversations. Follow up and be there for family members and strengthen our relationships. Have those difficult conversations when needed. Confront ourselves where we have fallen short and remind ourselves how we can improve. 

For me a nightly reflection in my journal is a great way to examine how the day has gone and what I need to focus on – either do more of, or les of. 

Do more

Yes, we struggle. We are working hard. That’s great. Do more. Simple right? Not at all. I fall short every day. That’s why my focus is on taking action and moving forward. Let’s do it.