Author: Travis

  • 10 Ideas for a Better Week

    Given how much I love my morning and evening routines, and using reminders to track what needs to be done through the day, I need to be aware that I don’t get swept up in the completion of tasks and miss the everyday opportunities to linger in the moment and enjoy what is happening around…

  • A Recap of 2021

    I had hoped that 2021 would be a return to a pre-covid normal. There was talk of vaccines coming, cases were low, almost non existent in Brisbane, and restrictions were being eased back. This is the year, I optimistically thought to myself. Then came lockdowns, more lockdowns, vaccine delays, rising case numbers, constantly changes to…

  • The One Year Vision – 2022 Edition

    Working through some career pivot exercises, one thing I’ve had to contemplate and put down in words is the vision for the coming year for my career. Here is what I wrote: I am comfortable and confident in my hybrid role – part time HR and part time practical knowledge. I am sharing and contributing…

  • My Current Ideal Day

    I spoke about my ideal day recently on the podcast, and it’s worth repeating some elements and exploring more in greater detail. The reason why this is so important is due to something the Stoics (and a lot of other philosophies and philosophers) remind us about. Memento Mori. Remember that you have to die. Each…

  • Rest Day

    Friday mornings are usually a full body day at the gym. Today however, I rested. It felt strange to sleep in and get up later, knowing that a lot of the morning routine wouldn’t happen. Even know, as I put words to the page, I want to roll out, stretch, and go to the gym.…

  • Getting Up Early

    Lately I’ve been struggling to get up in the morning when the alarm goes off. There was a time not too long ago when I would leap out of bed, getting up early to start the day. I have memories of summer last year of even earlier starts than I am doing now. 4:30am was…

  • Personal Productivity Systems – Practical Knowledge 002

    We are live! The second episode of Practical Knowledge is now available through some of your favourite podcast platforms (you can reference our podcast page, and links will be at the bottom of this post). This episode focuses on the personal productivity system I currently employ Each episode, I aim to go over hints, tips…

  • End of January 2022

    Just like that, the first month of the new year is almost over. How time has flown by in some respects. How slow it has been in others. As we found out the final days, I thought it best to check in with myself to see how I tracked against the focus points I gave…

  • Practical Knowledge Podcast

    We are live! The first episode of Practical Knowledge is now available through some of your favourite podcast platforms (you can reference our podcast page, and links will be at the bottom of this post). Each episode, I aim to go over hints, tips and advice to help us (me included) live a deep and…

  • Passion and Career

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about passion and career, passion or career, passion vs career, and every other way you can frame it. It’s not just a new thought. It’s been one that has been going through my mind for at least ten years. Not as a consistent, day to day reflection. Rather, it…