Author: Travis

  • Interest in Ancient History

    I have been a fan of ancient history for as long as I can remember (reaching in to the ancient parts of my brain to recall when :P). This, coupled with fantasy, was a major part, and still is, or my interests. To go back in time to these ancient words, to think about the…

  • Back to work

    This week is my first week back in the office for 2022, returning from leave which began on 22 December 2021. It was a nice break, full of lots of different adventures, including Christmas celebrations, time with family and friends, and an engagement. It was also a time to relax from work, to step back…

  • January 2022 Focus

    We are almost one week through January. How time flies (and always flies), as they say. Life continues to move forward, and we continue to head out of many different adventures and do a lot of different things. We laugh, adventure, quest. Catch up with others. Relax and have some downtime over a book and…

  • A Trial Six Page Narrative

    Recently I finished the book Working Backwards, which details some of the inner workings at Amazon. One concept I found very interesting was the idea of the six page narrative, and also on the PR/FAQ. After reflecting on it, I thought that using this in a modified way could lead to improved general update meetings…

  • Stoic Goals for 2022

    Yesterday I was able to attend the final Stoic meeting for 2021. It was great to reflect on the year, meet some new faces, and to share reflections and observations that we found helpful in our various day to day lives. One point I made (and will continue to make about Hellenistic philosophies) is that…

  • A New Journal

    Today was a great day to start a new journal. In 2019 I kept a daily journal, a few points of what I did each day. In 2020 I stopped the practice and ended up not keeping record of any thoughts or activities, with the exception of a training journal for my weight lifting. Recently…

  • Property Considerations

    Late last year, I obtained pre-approval to purchase an apartment. It’s been on my mind for a while, and the timing was such that it made sense to start the process of apartment hunting. 2020 was a good year for me from a financial perspective. I was able to save money, kept my job during…