Author: Travis

  • That Will Never Work – Book Summary

    That Will Never Work – Book Summary

    I recently finished the book That Will Never Work: The birth of Netflix and the amazing life of an idea by Marc Randolph.  It’s a delightful read with lots of take-home messages. The introduction sets the scene perfectly. It takes time for an idea to take shape and form. You might not even realise it…

  • Wanting new things

    Wanting new things

    It’s easy to get caught up in wanting new things. I walked past JB Hi-FI and in the sale window saw a barista style coffee machine. I have to have that. My mind was in overdrive: Look at the sale price. What a bargain. Except it’s not. There is always a price to pay. Yes,…

  • My Current Ideal Day – October 2023

    My Current Ideal Day – October 2023

    I last outlined my ideal day in February 2022. Lots has changed since then. Since then, I’ve gotten married, moved house, changed jobs, and discovered new interests. It’s only natural that where I want to spend my time has changed as well. I’ve come to understand more about myself, what I want, and have refined…

  • Developing our shape

    Developing our shape

    The concept of having an ideal shape in terms of our character has fascinated me lately. One question I’ve been thinking about is, how do we shape ourselves appropriately to fit with Nature? Why should we focus on developing our shape? It’s a question worth thinking about. Our lives are full of a series of…

  • Coffee and a bike ride

    Coffee and a bike ride

    The wind buffeted against my face as I bent down lower onto the bike frame, enjoying the period of downhill that we were experiencing. It was nice to rest the legs, head in a straight line, and enjoy the moment, slight discomfort from the wind included. All too soon we had reached the bottom. We…

  • Try an adventure race

    Try an adventure race

    If you’re looking for a fun and challenging way to test yourself, then I highly recommend you try an adventure race. So far I’ve been fortunate to be able to take part in two races – Spartan, and True Grit. Both were awesome, and tested ourselves in different ways. The tracks were different, some of…

  • Everyday moments

    Everyday moments

    “I have the keys,” my wife remarked, barely able to hold back her laughter as we left my parents place. We had walked over for dinner, and as we packed up to leave, I patted my pockets just before we walked out the door and realised I didn’t have our house keys. As we walked…

  • Start, keep going, enjoy the journey

    Start, keep going, enjoy the journey

    Recently we spoke about using small habits to win your day. That small, regular actions add up in the long run. Which is great. We can start building new habits that are aligned with our values and are aimed at where we want to be heading. Starting is hard. If we are building a new…

  • Stoicism, Let’s Read, Building Community – an interview with Courtney Shipley

    Stoicism, Let’s Read, Building Community – an interview with Courtney Shipley

    Today I am joined by Courtney Shipley, one of the hosts of the Brisbane Stoics group. In our discussion, we talk about building communities, being a host of a Stoic group, the appeal of Traditional Stoicism, philosophy as a way of life. To listen to our discussion, check out the channel below. Subscribe to receive…

  • Use small habits to win your day

    Use small habits to win your day

    “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity. This is one reason why meaningful change does not require radical change. Small habits can make a meaningful…