Category: Health

  • No one can do the work for you

    No one can do the work for you

    I went to the gym for the first time the other day to see the manager in person. I asked for a refund. The gym manager looked perplexed and asked why. “Well, I got a membership two months ago and nothing has happened. ???? There are some things that we can’t outsource. Can’t have someone…

  • Stoicism at the Gym: Big biceps are not up to me

    Stoicism at the Gym: Big biceps are not up to me

    I never thought I would use Stoicism at the gym. To think about it with building muscle. Before I had the knowledge I have now, Stoicism was a bunch of tools to use in stressful situations. It’s for when you get a high importance email that actually isn’t important and everyone wants you to drop…

  • Coffee and a bike ride

    Coffee and a bike ride

    The wind buffeted against my face as I bent down lower onto the bike frame, enjoying the period of downhill that we were experiencing. It was nice to rest the legs, head in a straight line, and enjoy the moment, slight discomfort from the wind included. All too soon we had reached the bottom. We…

  • Try an adventure race

    Try an adventure race

    If you’re looking for a fun and challenging way to test yourself, then I highly recommend you try an adventure race. So far I’ve been fortunate to be able to take part in two races – Spartan, and True Grit. Both were awesome, and tested ourselves in different ways. The tracks were different, some of…

  • Use small habits to win your day

    Use small habits to win your day

    “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity. This is one reason why meaningful change does not require radical change. Small habits can make a meaningful…

  • Find something that works, and keep doing it

    Find something that works, and keep doing it

    To achieve something, we have to work for a very long time and be consistent. We have to do the thing over and over and over again. To get in shape and start in shape means going to the gym again, and again, and again. Or going on a run, then another, and another, each…

  • Improving yourself

    One step at a time is all you need Anonymous Improving yourself in an unknown future I’ll never be able to fully understand the complexities of the world. All I have are my own experiences, knowledge and wisdom from others, and a framework from philosophies I try to live as a way of life. In…

  • Your best time is now. Don’t sacrifice too much of it 🏔️

    It’s all downhill when you hit 30 Me – trying to get a rise out of my brother-in-law Time – then and now Time is a mysterious thing, the past, present and future. Part of living in the present is also thinking about the future – the plans and sacrifices that we need to make.…

  • Restarting habits

    We finally got COVID-19. It kicked our butts. I spent four days in bed, coughed for over a week, and two weeks on, still feel fatigued. Thankfully, I’ve been able to start going on slow walks around our neighbourhood and in our local shopping centre. Our daily rhythms shift when we are ill. For me,…

  • Eating well

    Yum, it smells like one giant chicken nugget My wife, 18 September 2022 Eating well is one of the basics for living a good life. By doing so, we can ensure that we are able to keep ourselves alert, engaged, and focused. We also influence as best as we can better health outcomes, especially for when we…