Category: Property

  • Reflections on painting

    Reflections on painting

    I woke up sore. I turned the alarm off the night before, so rather than my usual 4:30am wakeup, it was 6:45am when I surfaced. It was not a smooth exit from bed, gone was the usual spring in my step. Instead, I slowly got up, waiting for my bones to wake up and move.…

  • Settling in to a new place

    Over the weekend we moved in to our new place, a nice townhouse located in the southeast. After getting up this morning, I hopped down the stairs to our new place, and unpacked my bag from the night before. I bought in the washing, folded some clothes, and now sit outside on a couch under…

  • Moving Week

    Today, universe willing, we will settle on our townhouse at midday. Then tomorrow the big move happens. It’s a very exciting time, and one that I am very much looking forward to. I wrote a few weeks ago that it was time to close our current chapter and how important it was to have gratitude…

  • Changing Chapters

    Yesterday we received the wonderful news that we are now unconditional on the purchase of a townhouse. Celebrations all around. It was a mixture of emotions too – relief, excitement, happiness, and amazement. It opened up the day dreaming possibilities too. It was also scary. It’s a big debt (and necessary), and you also begin…

  • Property Considerations

    Late last year, I obtained pre-approval to purchase an apartment. It’s been on my mind for a while, and the timing was such that it made sense to start the process of apartment hunting. 2020 was a good year for me from a financial perspective. I was able to save money, kept my job during…