Category: Travel

  • Why I don’t want to throw away my old MacBook

    Why I don’t want to throw away my old MacBook

    I remember how strong the wind was. It cut right through my layers. It was cold, up there on the ridge. The trek to get up there had been hard. Now, here we were, looking down into the valley. What a good day it was. I was grinning.  Other memories also come easily to me.…

  • Reflection on my big trip – 10 years later

    Reflection on my big trip – 10 years later

    Machu Picchu. I can still remember it like it was yesterday. I leaned against the stone walls of the Sun Gate to catch my breath. We started the day at 3:30am. There was a cool breeze in the air to join the surrounding mist which covered the valley below. It had been a long, tiring…

  • Roadtrip to Melbourne

    Roadtrip to Melbourne

    3994.2km. 12 days. Three states. The trip was a blast. Each day was full of lots of different activities. Time was slow and fast at the same time. We did a lot of walking, lots of exploring the places we were in, and even managed to get a fair amount of indoor bouldering done. Podcasts…