Tag: decisions

  • Show me the work

    Show me the work

    In a previous article we discussed that there are some things that we can’t outsource, that we have to do the work for. This includes going to the gym, eating well, and focusing on family. There are some steps that we can take to get started. To build the habit. If we want to be…

  • Our Past Choices

    Our Past Choices

    At the outset, we should determine in what condition we wish to be, in what kind of pursuits, and whether in private or public life – a decisions the most difficult of all; for it is in early youth, when judgement is the weakest, that one chooses some mode of life with which he has…

  • Becoming a Capable Dad: Getting Towards the Birth

    Becoming a Capable Dad: Getting Towards the Birth

    In about 90 days I’ll be a father. How quickly time moved after we got the phone call that the blood test detected hCG levels. We are pregnant. We are having a baby.  Whilst I knew we were pregnant, not much had actually changed for me. It wasn’t until we first saw the little one on…

  • Stoicism, Let’s Read, Building Community – an interview with Courtney Shipley

    Stoicism, Let’s Read, Building Community – an interview with Courtney Shipley

    Today I am joined by Courtney Shipley, one of the hosts of the Brisbane Stoics group. In our discussion, we talk about building communities, being a host of a Stoic group, the appeal of Traditional Stoicism, philosophy as a way of life. To listen to our discussion, check out the channel below. Subscribe to receive…

  • Find something that works, and keep doing it

    Find something that works, and keep doing it

    To achieve something, we have to work for a very long time and be consistent. We have to do the thing over and over and over again. To get in shape and start in shape means going to the gym again, and again, and again. Or going on a run, then another, and another, each…

  • Reflections on painting

    Reflections on painting

    I woke up sore. I turned the alarm off the night before, so rather than my usual 4:30am wakeup, it was 6:45am when I surfaced. It was not a smooth exit from bed, gone was the usual spring in my step. Instead, I slowly got up, waiting for my bones to wake up and move.…

  • Take small first steps

    Take small first steps

    When I first started writing as an adult, it was a chore. In my mind I wanted to be a writer. To put out long essays. Write thought provoking articles. Bring interesting ideas and reflections to a wider audience. I still do. Yet, when I sat down to actually write, to do the thing that…

  • How I structure my weekdays

    How I structure my weekdays

    It’s 4:30am. The alarm goes off. It’s time to get up, or in about 10 minutes as lately I’ve succumbed to pressing the snooze button. The alarm wakes me up feeling okay about my sleep, but not amazing and completed refreshed. I’m feeling good, that’s for sure. Perhaps the 100% feeling is elusive. If you…

  • What we almost didn’t do

    Settling down on my beanbag, I unlocked my iPad and loaded up the website of one of my favourite travel bloggers. She had just released a new video was out. I settled in and was mesmerised for the next 17 minutes as I watched this vlogger share tips on the country she was in (details…

  • Improving yourself

    One step at a time is all you need Anonymous Improving yourself in an unknown future I’ll never be able to fully understand the complexities of the world. All I have are my own experiences, knowledge and wisdom from others, and a framework from philosophies I try to live as a way of life. In…