Tag: decisions

  • Imagine Who You Could Be – Reflections from Dr Jordan B. Peterson’s Brisbane lecture

    What you aim at determines what you see Dr Jordan B. Peterson Last week I was fortunate to attend a lecture held by Dr Jordan B. Peterson in Brisbane. The lecture was focused on rule two of beyond order – imagine who you could be, and then aim single-mindedly at that. That’s a big ask…

  • What do we want to focus on? 🧐

    You have to focus on progress toward a specific thing in the medium term or sacrifice meaningful progress toward everything in the long term Chris Williamson I recently reached level three in my class of handyman. Obtaining a mower was an instant level up. We are multi-class characters in our journey through life. I am…

  • Building time for time

    Building time for time

    If you want to know what’s important to you, look at where you are spending your time Unknown I gave up social media two years ago. It’s made me a hard person to contact in some ways. It’s also meant that in most things, I am oblivious. If I’m not told in person, via email,…

  • Character

    First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do Epictetus I love role play games. The story, the adventure, the quests, the growth of your character. The Baldur’s Gate games are some of then most memorable games I have played. Neverwinter Nights, Iceland Dale, Diablo, Gloomhaven. Anything where…

  • Internal Success, Enjoyment, Wealth

    Wealth is not always a measure of your wallet but rather the love you have for each other, the love you have of your family, the love you will have for your children in the years to come. I hope you both become super wealthy, enjoy the love you have and the devotion you have…

  • Maintaining Health and Fitness

    Maintaining Health and Fitness

    It’s hard to walk with a coffee My wife, 4 September 2022 It turns out you can’t walk at your normal fast pace when you are trying to sip a coffee. I consider keeping yourself fit and healthy to be one of the basics for living a good life. By doing so, we can ensure…

  • Getting the basics in order

    Life is long, if you know how to use it Seneca Recently I wrote about the kind of man I want to be – one that is kind, forgiving, a great husband and family member, someone that contributes to our community, and imparts practical knowledge to the world. Before we can hope to achieve this,…

  • The Person I Want To Be

    Most of us would be seized with fear if our bodies went numb, and would do everything possible to avoid it, yet we take no interest at all in the numbing of our souls Epictetus I recently read How Will You Measure Your Life by Clayton M. Christensen, James Allworth, and Karen Dillon. Towards the…

  • On improvement

    Elminster this, Elminster that. Give *me* 2000 years and a pointy hat and I will kick his arse Edward the Magician, Baldur’s Gate When I started my podcast I was a beginner. The first few times I pressed record I stumbled over my words (this sill happens and is something I’m getting better at). I…

  • Choose your hard

    You’re going to pay a price for every bloody thing you do and everything you don’t do. You don’t get to choose to not pay a price. You get to choose which poison you’re going to take. That’s it. Dr Jordan B. Peterson Irrespective of what we do, who we are, where we are, and…