Tag: journal

  • Joys of the Morning Coffee Walk

    Joys of the Morning Coffee Walk

    Coffee, nature, and good company. What more do you need? The alarm goes off at 4:45 am. My dream where I’m piloting a Gundam has suddenly ended. It’s too early to be awake, you’d assume. Yet, we’re excited. It’s a great time to get up because it’s time for our coffee walk. So whilst we…

  • The person they want to become

    The person they want to become

    I have lots of dreams about being a dad. What our kids will be like. They don’t come to me when I’m sleeping – that’s usually when I’m piloting a Gundam, or doing quests as a rogue in a fantasy style setting. These dreams come to me during brief moments in the day. A couple…

  • Show me the work

    Show me the work

    In a previous article we discussed that there are some things that we can’t outsource, that we have to do the work for. This includes going to the gym, eating well, and focusing on family. There are some steps that we can take to get started. To build the habit. If we want to be…

  • 38 lessons from 38 years

    38 lessons from 38 years

    38 trips around the sun. Time does move quickly in the day to day. In some respects it seems just like yesterday I was celebrating 37. Yet so much was also accomplished in 12 months. Lots of great memories made and experiences had. Lessons learnt. Insights obtained. So here’s a list of 38 lessons that…

  • No one can do the work for you

    No one can do the work for you

    I went to the gym for the first time the other day to see the manager in person. I asked for a refund. The gym manager looked perplexed and asked why. “Well, I got a membership two months ago and nothing has happened. ???? There are some things that we can’t outsource. Can’t have someone…

  • The Early Morning Cuppa Dilemma

    The Early Morning Cuppa Dilemma

    I’m looking at the clock impatiently. 10 more minutes. I tap my finger on the table, thinking. Stare outside the window. 10 more minutes. My mind is active and I’m distracted now. The writing has stopped. Thought pattern interrupted. All because I was going to make a coffee for myself and decided to do the…

  • Why I don’t want to throw away my old MacBook

    Why I don’t want to throw away my old MacBook

    I remember how strong the wind was. It cut right through my layers. It was cold, up there on the ridge. The trek to get up there had been hard. Now, here we were, looking down into the valley. What a good day it was. I was grinning.  Other memories also come easily to me.…

  • Why I’ve Come to Enjoy Gardening

    Why I’ve Come to Enjoy Gardening

    I’m not sure what the change was. Perhaps it was just the passing of time and doing the thing, getting my reps in, so to speak. Or a gradual mindset shift that accompanies living out a philosophy as a way of life and embracing the various duties that one must fulfil. Or it could be…

  • Confessions of a YouTube learning junkie

    Confessions of a YouTube learning junkie

    My mornings were different three years ago. I wasn’t at the gym. To be fair, I was climbing a lot so that was my workout and exercise. I wasn’t writing either. My mornings were about YouTube learning. Well, that’s what I thought.  I’d get up, have a glass of water, head outside, jump rope for…

  • Stoicism at the Gym: Big biceps are not up to me

    Stoicism at the Gym: Big biceps are not up to me

    I never thought I would use Stoicism at the gym. To think about it with building muscle. Before I had the knowledge I have now, Stoicism was a bunch of tools to use in stressful situations. It’s for when you get a high importance email that actually isn’t important and everyone wants you to drop…