Tag: journal

  • Do the work

    Do the work

    I recorded a podcast earlier this year. Halfway through, I knew that it wasn’t good yet I persisted and kept recording. My stubbornness won out on that battle, although I’m not sure what it actually accomplished in the end. The video still ended up in the bin and not published. I wasted an extra 10…

  • What we almost didn’t do

    Settling down on my beanbag, I unlocked my iPad and loaded up the website of one of my favourite travel bloggers. She had just released a new video was out. I settled in and was mesmerised for the next 17 minutes as I watched this vlogger share tips on the country she was in (details…

  • Seek novelty each day

    Seek novelty each day

    We headed out on our weekend walk as the sun was starting to rise. The day was starting just that little bit later as we move away from the height of summer. Faint hues of pink were in the sky. Walking for a couple of minutes, the sun started to creep its way in. The…

  • Wake up early

    Wake up early

    It’s Monday morning. 4:30am. My alarm hums on my phone. I don’t want to get up.  I have this thought most days during the week when my alarm goes off. I’m tired. I want to go back to sleep.  If you would prefer to listen to this article, you can listen on YouTube. Marcus Aurelius,…

  • Back to basics: Stoicism 101

    Back to basics: Stoicism 101

    I love to read. It’s one of my favourite things to do. I can happily sit for hours and immerse myself into the world the author decides to drop me in. In the mornings I typically read non-fiction works, and night time is for fantasy. Whilst I am now in the habit of capturing notes…

  • When hard is forced upon you

    We know life is hard, and therefore we should chose the hard things we want to pursue. To do what will make us healthier each day. Keep fit. Eat well. Learn and grow. Level up. We voluntarily choose these things. To sweat it out at the gym and be uncomfortable. Or say no to the…

  • Lack of energy this summer

    This has been the general theme of the past two weeks. I want to be more active and do more things, and at the same time I also don’t want to do anything because my energy is zapped. It’s too hot for me. So I default to the couch and the television. Not that there…

  • Calmness in the mornings

    Calmness in the mornings

    It’s 7:02am as I write this. I’m sitting outside on the patio. Enjoying some calmness in the mornings. The cushion on my chair is slightly damp, evidence of the storm we had last night and confirmation that we have a small leak on our patio covering. Not that it’s anything to be worried about or…

  • Roadtrip to Melbourne

    Roadtrip to Melbourne

    3994.2km. 12 days. Three states. The trip was a blast. Each day was full of lots of different activities. Time was slow and fast at the same time. We did a lot of walking, lots of exploring the places we were in, and even managed to get a fair amount of indoor bouldering done. Podcasts…

  • I haven’t done all of the work yet

    I haven’t done all of the work yet

    First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do Epictetus I recorded a podcast earlier this week. Halfway through, I knew that it wasn’t good yet I persisted and kept recording. My stubbornness won out on that battle, although I’m not sure what it actually accomplished in the…