Tag: journal

  • Improving yourself

    One step at a time is all you need Anonymous Improving yourself in an unknown future I’ll never be able to fully understand the complexities of the world. All I have are my own experiences, knowledge and wisdom from others, and a framework from philosophies I try to live as a way of life. In…

  • Your best time is now. Don’t sacrifice too much of it 🏔️

    It’s all downhill when you hit 30 Me – trying to get a rise out of my brother-in-law Time – then and now Time is a mysterious thing, the past, present and future. Part of living in the present is also thinking about the future – the plans and sacrifices that we need to make.…

  • Imagine Who You Could Be – Reflections from Dr Jordan B. Peterson’s Brisbane lecture

    What you aim at determines what you see Dr Jordan B. Peterson Last week I was fortunate to attend a lecture held by Dr Jordan B. Peterson in Brisbane. The lecture was focused on rule two of beyond order – imagine who you could be, and then aim single-mindedly at that. That’s a big ask…

  • What do we want to focus on? 🧐

    You have to focus on progress toward a specific thing in the medium term or sacrifice meaningful progress toward everything in the long term Chris Williamson I recently reached level three in my class of handyman. Obtaining a mower was an instant level up. We are multi-class characters in our journey through life. I am…

  • A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down 🕺

    The medicine go down Mary Poppins Growing up, I never expected myself to develop an interest in the theatre. My interests lay elsewhere. Fighter jets, Gundams, half-elves, wizards, fantasy lands, tennis, travel. I purchased my first album in my twenties. I listened to a handful of songs in school. Music wasn’t my thing. Why would…

  • Building time for time

    Building time for time

    If you want to know what’s important to you, look at where you are spending your time Unknown I gave up social media two years ago. It’s made me a hard person to contact in some ways. It’s also meant that in most things, I am oblivious. If I’m not told in person, via email,…

  • Focus on Enough and crafting our ideal day

    I exist as I am, that is enough Walt Whitman It’s 6:30am on Monday morning. We returned from our morning walk ten minutes go. Now, I have my coffee in hand and sit down to write, the blank post’s cursor staring at me. My usual writing setting has changed these past five weeks. I’m inside.…

  • Character

    First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do Epictetus I love role play games. The story, the adventure, the quests, the growth of your character. The Baldur’s Gate games are some of then most memorable games I have played. Neverwinter Nights, Iceland Dale, Diablo, Gloomhaven. Anything where…

  • Internal Success, Enjoyment, Wealth

    Wealth is not always a measure of your wallet but rather the love you have for each other, the love you have of your family, the love you will have for your children in the years to come. I hope you both become super wealthy, enjoy the love you have and the devotion you have…

  • Blood Bowl and learning new things

    Blood Bowl and learning new things

    Anything but a one and I’ve got the touchdown Me, getting ready for Blood Bowl victory My blockers had done a good job of guarding the opposing team, creating an open space down the side of the field. I just had to receive the ball and I was through to the end zone. My receiver…