Tag: life

  • Start with a list

    Last week we moved, and next week we get married. Whilst I am thoroughly enjoying each day, one cannot deny that there is a lot that has happened, is happening, and needs to happen. Even though we find a lot of time to laugh during the day, and pick out little moments that make each…

  • Settling in to a new place

    Over the weekend we moved in to our new place, a nice townhouse located in the southeast. After getting up this morning, I hopped down the stairs to our new place, and unpacked my bag from the night before. I bought in the washing, folded some clothes, and now sit outside on a couch under…

  • Moving Week

    Today, universe willing, we will settle on our townhouse at midday. Then tomorrow the big move happens. It’s a very exciting time, and one that I am very much looking forward to. I wrote a few weeks ago that it was time to close our current chapter and how important it was to have gratitude…

  • Novelty everyday

    We walked to the gym the other morning as the sun was rising. There were more clouds in the air, capturing the faint pink glow of the su, as if they were painted on the clouds. My hand holding Renee’s, we stopped for a moment to look, enjoying the different colours and display of the…

  • Spending time with select authors

    I recently started reading Seneca in the mornings. His letters and thoughts become my companion as I sip my coffee, or if it’s a Thursday, bite down into a peanut butter bagel. As he writes in Letters II, spend time with a select few authors, and return to them often. It’s interesting how at times…

  • Changing Chapters

    Yesterday we received the wonderful news that we are now unconditional on the purchase of a townhouse. Celebrations all around. It was a mixture of emotions too – relief, excitement, happiness, and amazement. It opened up the day dreaming possibilities too. It was also scary. It’s a big debt (and necessary), and you also begin…

  • Maturity

    2022 has been an amazing year so far, and we are only just getting started! Even though we are a quarter through, and a lot has happened, in many ways, the best has yet to come. How can one year be so incredible? Engagement, wedding planning, honeymoon planning, general catchups and family time, buying a…

  • The Great Ordinary

    My alarm woke me up at 5:10am this morning. Pressing snooze, I lay in bed, eyes open, lost in idle thoughts – part of my current waking up routine. As we approach winter, the sun was not yet up, so in the gap at the bottom of the bedroom door, I see the faint light…

  • When you feel a bit useless

    There are a lot of major events happening at the moment on a global and local level. Even at a personal level. These events compound and build. What am I supposed to do next? We might ask ourselves, unsure of what exactly it is that we are supposed to do. I’ve certainly felt a bit…

  • A Recap of 2021

    I had hoped that 2021 would be a return to a pre-covid normal. There was talk of vaccines coming, cases were low, almost non existent in Brisbane, and restrictions were being eased back. This is the year, I optimistically thought to myself. Then came lockdowns, more lockdowns, vaccine delays, rising case numbers, constantly changes to…