Tag: podcast

  • Reflections on painting

    Reflections on painting

    I woke up sore. I turned the alarm off the night before, so rather than my usual 4:30am wakeup, it was 6:45am when I surfaced. It was not a smooth exit from bed, gone was the usual spring in my step. Instead, I slowly got up, waiting for my bones to wake up and move.…

  • Take small first steps

    Take small first steps

    When I first started writing as an adult, it was a chore. In my mind I wanted to be a writer. To put out long essays. Write thought provoking articles. Bring interesting ideas and reflections to a wider audience. I still do. Yet, when I sat down to actually write, to do the thing that…

  • How I structure my weekdays

    How I structure my weekdays

    It’s 4:30am. The alarm goes off. It’s time to get up, or in about 10 minutes as lately I’ve succumbed to pressing the snooze button. The alarm wakes me up feeling okay about my sleep, but not amazing and completed refreshed. I’m feeling good, that’s for sure. Perhaps the 100% feeling is elusive. If you…

  • Hobby Ideas

    Hobby Ideas

    One of the great things about life our leisure time and the opportunity to pursue various hobbies. Here are a few different ideas. If you would prefer to listen to this article, you can listen on YouTube or through the player below.

  • Choose what to fail at

    Choose what to fail at

    Lately, I’ve been reflecting on an idea from Oliver Burkeman’s book, 4000 weeks, that we need to decide on the things that we are going to suck at, as we can’t be great at everything. There is only so much time that we have in this world, so if we want to be good at…

  • Do the work

    Do the work

    I recorded a podcast earlier this year. Halfway through, I knew that it wasn’t good yet I persisted and kept recording. My stubbornness won out on that battle, although I’m not sure what it actually accomplished in the end. The video still ended up in the bin and not published. I wasted an extra 10…

  • Seek novelty each day

    Seek novelty each day

    We headed out on our weekend walk as the sun was starting to rise. The day was starting just that little bit later as we move away from the height of summer. Faint hues of pink were in the sky. Walking for a couple of minutes, the sun started to creep its way in. The…

  • Wake up early

    Wake up early

    It’s Monday morning. 4:30am. My alarm hums on my phone. I don’t want to get up.  I have this thought most days during the week when my alarm goes off. I’m tired. I want to go back to sleep.  If you would prefer to listen to this article, you can listen on YouTube. Marcus Aurelius,…

  • 11 Morning Routine Hacks for 2023

    11 Morning Routine Hacks for 2023

    It’s the start of 2023 so it’s a great time to look at the habits and systems we currently have in place and seek inspiration and tips on what modifications we might want to make. If you would prefer to listen to this article, you can listen on YouTube. I love morning routines. I find…

  • Aim for small, focused work

    Aim for small, focused work

    There is a lot that we want to accomplish. Aims that will take us a while to come to fruition and that require us to stay the course. Building and staying in good health. Having a great marriage. Building a family. Creating. Forming connections. If you would prefer to listen to this article, you can…