Tag: practical knowledge

  • Simple living and a Harry Potter shelf

    Simple living and a Harry Potter shelf

    I can have a whole row for my Harry Potter books! *giggles of delight* My wife, setting up our bookshelf, 4 September 2022 Decaf coffee in hand, we sat on the floor in our study and started sorting through our books. Even though we had moved into our townhouse in March (six months ago now)…

  • Getting the basics in order

    Life is long, if you know how to use it Seneca Recently I wrote about the kind of man I want to be – one that is kind, forgiving, a great husband and family member, someone that contributes to our community, and imparts practical knowledge to the world. Before we can hope to achieve this,…

  • On improvement

    Elminster this, Elminster that. Give *me* 2000 years and a pointy hat and I will kick his arse Edward the Magician, Baldur’s Gate When I started my podcast I was a beginner. The first few times I pressed record I stumbled over my words (this sill happens and is something I’m getting better at). I…

  • When you put your work out there, it can be scary 😬

    I was scared, which was the main reason I kept quiet when I launched my podcast and blog. Yes, I also wanted time to find my voice, get used to talking in front of a camera, and feel comfortable with the content I was creating. Publishing is not needed to do that. By keeping quiet,…

  • Personal Productivity Systems – Practical Knowledge 002

    We are live! The second episode of Practical Knowledge is now available through some of your favourite podcast platforms (you can reference our podcast page, and links will be at the bottom of this post). This episode focuses on the personal productivity system I currently employ Each episode, I aim to go over hints, tips…

  • Practical Knowledge Podcast

    We are live! The first episode of Practical Knowledge is now available through some of your favourite podcast platforms (you can reference our podcast page, and links will be at the bottom of this post). Each episode, I aim to go over hints, tips and advice to help us (me included) live a deep and…