Tag: stoic

  • Stoicism at the Gym: Big biceps are not up to me

    Stoicism at the Gym: Big biceps are not up to me

    I never thought I would use Stoicism at the gym. To think about it with building muscle. Before I had the knowledge I have now, Stoicism was a bunch of tools to use in stressful situations. It’s for when you get a high importance email that actually isn’t important and everyone wants you to drop…

  • Lessons from presenting Cicero’s On Duties

    Lessons from presenting Cicero’s On Duties

    No part of life, whether in public or in private affairs, abroad or at home, in your personal conduct or your social relations, can be free from the claims of duty.  It is in the observance of duty that lies all the honour of life. In its neglect, all of the shame. Cicero, On Duties…

  • The emotion of ‘looking forward’

    The emotion of ‘looking forward’

    I experience a lot of positive emotions when I think about future plans. We have a great trip coming up. There’s fatherhood. I’m catching up with my cousin. With my interest in Stoicism, this led me to think about emotions and ‘looking forward’ to something. Can we? I believe so. For a Stoic, emotions are…

  • Developing our shape

    Developing our shape

    The concept of having an ideal shape in terms of our character has fascinated me lately. One question I’ve been thinking about is, how do we shape ourselves appropriately to fit with Nature? Why should we focus on developing our shape? It’s a question worth thinking about. Our lives are full of a series of…

  • Stoicism, Let’s Read, Building Community – an interview with Courtney Shipley

    Stoicism, Let’s Read, Building Community – an interview with Courtney Shipley

    Today I am joined by Courtney Shipley, one of the hosts of the Brisbane Stoics group. In our discussion, we talk about building communities, being a host of a Stoic group, the appeal of Traditional Stoicism, philosophy as a way of life. To listen to our discussion, check out the channel below. Subscribe to receive…

  • Daily habits to cultivate

    Daily habits to cultivate

    You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think. Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book II, 11 Life is short. We are often reminded this, and at the same time, we can get so easily caught up in our own world and forget this lesson. We need to make a…

  • How I structure my weekdays

    How I structure my weekdays

    It’s 4:30am. The alarm goes off. It’s time to get up, or in about 10 minutes as lately I’ve succumbed to pressing the snooze button. The alarm wakes me up feeling okay about my sleep, but not amazing and completed refreshed. I’m feeling good, that’s for sure. Perhaps the 100% feeling is elusive. If you…

  • Wake up early

    Wake up early

    It’s Monday morning. 4:30am. My alarm hums on my phone. I don’t want to get up.  I have this thought most days during the week when my alarm goes off. I’m tired. I want to go back to sleep.  If you would prefer to listen to this article, you can listen on YouTube. Marcus Aurelius,…

  • Back to basics: Stoicism 101

    Back to basics: Stoicism 101

    I love to read. It’s one of my favourite things to do. I can happily sit for hours and immerse myself into the world the author decides to drop me in. In the mornings I typically read non-fiction works, and night time is for fantasy. Whilst I am now in the habit of capturing notes…

  • Getting the basics in order

    Life is long, if you know how to use it Seneca Recently I wrote about the kind of man I want to be – one that is kind, forgiving, a great husband and family member, someone that contributes to our community, and imparts practical knowledge to the world. Before we can hope to achieve this,…