Tag: stoic

  • Settling in to a new place

    Over the weekend we moved in to our new place, a nice townhouse located in the southeast. After getting up this morning, I hopped down the stairs to our new place, and unpacked my bag from the night before. I bought in the washing, folded some clothes, and now sit outside on a couch under…

  • Novelty everyday

    We walked to the gym the other morning as the sun was rising. There were more clouds in the air, capturing the faint pink glow of the su, as if they were painted on the clouds. My hand holding Renee’s, we stopped for a moment to look, enjoying the different colours and display of the…

  • Spending time with select authors

    I recently started reading Seneca in the mornings. His letters and thoughts become my companion as I sip my coffee, or if it’s a Thursday, bite down into a peanut butter bagel. As he writes in Letters II, spend time with a select few authors, and return to them often. It’s interesting how at times…

  • The Great Ordinary

    My alarm woke me up at 5:10am this morning. Pressing snooze, I lay in bed, eyes open, lost in idle thoughts – part of my current waking up routine. As we approach winter, the sun was not yet up, so in the gap at the bottom of the bedroom door, I see the faint light…

  • Interest in Ancient History

    I have been a fan of ancient history for as long as I can remember (reaching in to the ancient parts of my brain to recall when :P). This, coupled with fantasy, was a major part, and still is, or my interests. To go back in time to these ancient words, to think about the…

  • Stoic Goals for 2022

    Yesterday I was able to attend the final Stoic meeting for 2021. It was great to reflect on the year, meet some new faces, and to share reflections and observations that we found helpful in our various day to day lives. One point I made (and will continue to make about Hellenistic philosophies) is that…

  • A New Journal

    Today was a great day to start a new journal. In 2019 I kept a daily journal, a few points of what I did each day. In 2020 I stopped the practice and ended up not keeping record of any thoughts or activities, with the exception of a training journal for my weight lifting. Recently…