Tag: ways of working

  • Use your reminders app to form habits

    Use your reminders app to form habits

    One of the best things I use to form habits is the reminders app on my phone. It’s simple and easy to set up and use, plus it’s an interface that we are familiar with. We don’t need to download specialty apps, we can make do with what we have. If you would prefer to…

  • My outdoor setup – getting the environment right πŸͺ΄

    My outdoor setup – getting the environment right πŸͺ΄

    On episode 20 of my podcast, I mentioned that part of the reason why I’ve been enjoying writing so much is due to the environment that we’ve been able to create in our new place. This line though did sit in the back of my mind, and is something I’ve been thinking about lately. I’ve…

  • Start with a list

    Last week we moved, and next week we get married. Whilst I am thoroughly enjoying each day, one cannot deny that there is a lot that has happened, is happening, and needs to happen. Even though we find a lot of time to laugh during the day, and pick out little moments that make each…

  • Practical Knowledge Podcast

    We are live! The first episode of Practical Knowledge is now available through some of your favourite podcast platforms (you can reference our podcast page, and links will be at the bottom of this post). Each episode, I aim to go over hints, tips and advice to help us (me included) live a deep and…

  • Back to work

    This week is my first week back in the office for 2022, returning from leave which began on 22 December 2021. It was a nice break, full of lots of different adventures, including Christmas celebrations, time with family and friends, and an engagement. It was also a time to relax from work, to step back…

  • A Trial Six Page Narrative

    Recently I finished the book Working Backwards, which details some of the inner workings at Amazon. One concept I found very interesting was the idea of the six page narrative, and also on the PR/FAQ. After reflecting on it, I thought that using this in a modified way could lead to improved general update meetings…